Chapter 30

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Last chapter... unless you count the epilogue 🤭

Once I upload that I'll focus on my other main fanfic The Dark Prince's Return before I do my sequel to Love Pancakes. Of course I'll do some oneshots here and there to not feel stuck.

Not that this hasn't been great, but it's very time consuming and I feel it hard sometimes 😅 But all you wonderful people who give such great compliments and votes on my stories give me strength, ESPECIALLY NOW 😁

Now... please enjoy, vote, and comment ~


*Sonic's POV*

"Ames he's staring into my soul... I'm a little concerned..." I was in a staring contest with my eldest... Cobalt, with his great big dark green eyes and blue fur that was more muted than my own fur. Giggling next to him was my middle child, James who was a light violet color who also had his brothers dark green eyes.

"Sonikku please get over this, he's a baby, he can't do much other than eating, sleeping, and pooping. He's gonna' stare at his parents a lot for a while. 'Specially if he's hungry..." I looked back to face my wife carrying our youngest and only daughter, Julie. She also sported a violet color, so the only way to her and James apart (, besides changing their diapers and seeing their gender,) was her eyes, they were light green like mine.

Now that they're five months old, their quills on their head started to grow out more and looked like mini-me's. I know Amy had hair like that at one point but I'm kinda weirded out. I expected more individuality out of my youngest two.

But Cobalt...

"UhhhEEEEEHHH!...." He suddenly cried out gaining everyone's attention.

"... Ok I'm starting to see how he's wierd to you... but aren't they all? I mean, they never really cried other than the first two nights and they stay quiet most of the time-" Amy was cut off by James seemingly trying to imitate his older brother.

I looked at Julie expecting her to do the same but surprised she yawned.

"Yeah our kids are weird," I unstrap both of them from their baby carrier, "but I love em'."

"I'm just glad they didn't mind the walk... I just feel bad for not noticing Julie here threw up a wittle." Amy continued to baby talk while a grabbed both boys.

"I'm more surprised that they were quiet the whole time, it's like they were totally uninterested Ames... especially..." I looked into the eyes of Cobalt.

While James was more giggles and smiles, Julie was well-mannered... for a baby anyways... She was also the runt so Amy and I were always worried she'd catch diseases quicker and be weaker but surprisingly she's just normal.

But Cobalt... just stares.


And now screams nonsense like an alien.

"I think you dropped this one Ames- AH! Hey hahaha I was kidding! Haha Jewel save daddy!"

Amy just continued hitting me with an unopened diaper while my little princess just looked at the bird outside the livingroom window.

"Seriously Sonic. Cut. It. Out. Cobalt is a handsome, healthy, baby boy who is lucky to have both parents so we ought to care for him AND his siblings with no insults in the mix." She really looked pissed.

And sexy honestly but I'm not gonna let that slip now or I'll end up sleeping on the couch.

"I'm sorry, but I am concerned by it still... What if... " I sighed as I felt bad by just thinking of it negatively.

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