Chapter 18

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A/N Sorry I've been busy, blah blah blah, please give feedback


*Sonic's POV*

I awoke to more rain, though not as harsh as yesterday, as well as a delicious smell. I peek over my side to see Amy still there. 'So who's cooking? OH SHIT! That's right, Tails is here.... uh oh. Better not be eating more of THAT food.' I worry as I put on my boxers and speed downstairs.

I see Tails helping himself to his stack of waffles next to the toster, thankfully they were the frozen variety.

'Shit, now that I think about it, he probably didn't see the contents of that book, INCLUDING the weird warning. All I really told him was that some of that food affects your emotions so you act out, but I didn't tell him why this food did that.' (A/N: The lovey dovy stuff in the food... possibly  a magic potion *wink wink)

He turned around, saw me, grinned and sat down, and then I walk myself to the seat next to him. "Hey, mornehn, hid you oh that yer powah waz out?" Tails greeted while still chewing on his food. "Huh? Oh! Yeah I was gonna fix that this morning but I see you beat me to it." I chuckled out as I finally registered what he said. He then gulps loudly and said, "Why didn't you do it yesterday? Was it the water?" He added that last word in a mockingly coo.

"No, if you didn't notice while you fixed the power, genius! The power box is inside in the laundry room." I retaliate. "So why didn't you~" The tone he gave suddenly made me aware that he thought I was afraid somehow. 'Okaaaay. I'll humor you.' I mentally boast. "I was preocupied... my .... hands~ .... were busy~." I slightly slur my words.

"Oooooh.... that's why you smell so sweaty." Tails stated and then laughed as he put away his dish. His remark made me relise that I needed a bath. Yes as funny as that comment was, I was more responsibly aware of the situation.

"Do me a favor, stay here, and don't make any noise or trouble. Amy and I need to get ready for our day. I haven't told her you're here yet and we're getting furniture today." I inform Tails as I head up the stairs. "You forgot 'NO KILLING' of myself or others." He reinforces himself. I only roll my eyes, but then I made a realization.

'Shit, I didn't tell him Amy knows too. Okay maybe I wasn't as descriptive as I thought. Oh well, Amy is the "HEAD OF OPERATION" so I guess she'll figure it out with us. She's so understanding~" My heart starts to beat faster as I lose my train of thought. 'She didn't even bat an eye when I said I was masturbating... although... she was upset at first because she suspected me of hurting myself while killing someone else.' I start getting knots in my stomach.

I sigh and think, 'Chaos help me butter her up,' as I open the bedroom door. I see Amy stirring slightly. As I walk closer to wake her up I realize she's stirring even more. I turn her body so she faces up to see a pained expression and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Amy!" I yell out in a hissing wisper, as I begin to shake her slightly.


*Amy's POV*

(A/N: In Amy's dream)

"AMY! Run! Run away and don't let-" A woman called out to me. 'Is she my mom? Was that how her voice sounded?' She sounded hurt. Badly.

I started to run out of what felt like a dark forest, only for it to actually be a room. A dark room with plants, weird knick-knaks, jars and bottles. Beer bottles mostly but there were others with strange fluids. My hearts pounding.

'Oh no!' I thought. 'They got me!' I tell myself though I do not know "who" I was running from. I tried to shake myself free of their grip but they held on. I felt tears rolling down my face.

"Amy!" A hoarse wisper cried out. I started to move more. "Ames!" Another wispered cry. This time I reconized the voice.

I opened my eyes.

It was Sonic.

With the center of his eyes red again.

"Sonikku...?" I was going to ask him if he was sick, trying my best to figure out once-and-for-all why his eyes get like that. Last time I'm pretty sure he was mad that the casheir at that .... knick-knack shop. 'There were knick-knacks in that... my... home. Is there a connection?'

"I was worried about you Ames." Sonic sighed as his eyes dimmed down to its original beautiful bottle green eyes.

'Bottles.' My mind flashes more images of my nightmare.

"I'm fine. Are... Are you ok Sonikku?" I say to distract my mind and stay on track with my original question. "Eh-! Yeah Ames I'm fine. WHAT was going on with you? I walked in on you tossing and turning and then you started throwing hands all over..." He started off sounding mad but slowed himself to a worried wisper.

I grinned and decided to figure out his eyes later. 'At least they were less red than last time so maybe it's not so important.' I concluded. "Oh I'm sorry, just a bad dream... I'm okay now, I don't even remember what it was about." I lied. He seemed to not believe me but changed his expression after looking back at the open door that he apparently barged through.

"Oh that's right, Tails came by last night, he had um... a little brother emergency." He grinned. It had just occurred to me that I had forgotten why he left last night. 'Goodness I hope he didn't hear us. OH CHAOS I MUST STINK OF PHEROMONES RIGHT NOW!' I hastily realized.

"Oh then I'll get ready and then make breakfast-" Sonic then cut off my words with a kiss. When we parted he informed me that Tails ate and we should shower before eating and the delivery guys come with our new furniture.

I also realized that it was still raining and hoped it would slow down more so our order doesn't get rescheduled.

And so I let him lead me to the bathroom, and set aside my previous thoughts.

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