Chapter 23

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A/N: Heeeeyyyy

I'm always forgetting things so sometimes it doesn't come back till many chapters after

I'll add little recaps/information with these symbols:


saying which chapter and whose POV, AS WELL AS around what paragraph(s) it's in.

(it'll be in the same section as the dialogue)

Ok I'm done explaining my errors and how I'll fix it so that you guys can understand better (sorry again)

Enjoy, comment, and hopefully vote 😗~💖

*Sonic's POV*

"Uh hey listen man...." I lean in slightly as he looks up, "I kinda need you to keep this quiet... not too many people are still fans so gossip is becoming a huge issue-"

"ARE YOU KIDDING! I'M YOU'RE GUYS NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER ALL THE WAY! I wished you two would get together... sooner~" He added suggestively at the end as he handed us our grocery bags.

"Don't worry I won't tell, besides,  I'm sure I'll hear wedding bells soon, riiiiight~?" The dog cashier smirked as he said this.

I finally look at his name tag, "Well thanks Doug. And yeah just between us.... we recently got engaged~" I leaned in more and wispered that. I don't think I've ever heard a guy squeal like that but he did. Amy giggled as the fanboy gushed out sentences that all circled the topic of us.

"Kyaaa I knew it! TAKE THAT RODNEY RAT-oh! I'm sorry." He stopped suddenly. We stared at first but we quickly made a realization.

"I'm so sorry....I..went to the same school as that boy and his friends... I can't lie to you guys... I'm glad he's dead." He said shamefully.


"Why... why didn't you like him exactly...? Oh! I'm asking because Cream goes to that school... uh... but only on Fridays." Amy spoke.

"Oh yeah I've seen her... well you see miss Amy, the kid was a relentless... well... pervert. A bit of a crazy one too. Him and all his friends kinda hated your crew... it's not unknown that their parents praised you guys more than them when they were growing up.... never stopped harassing me for sticking up for you guys either, even while I'm at work..."

(A/N: No lie, I WROTE THIS and I feel sad... stupid brain..."

"Oh... I see why you feel that way... don't worry we get it, not everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, thanks again,  bye..." Amy and I couldn't help but agree. While she looked down I grabbed the bags and did a silent nod and smile to Doug. He barely smiled back...

As we walk out, I held the (3) bags in one arm and pulled Amy to my side in an effort to comfort her. She snuggled against me. I was about to kiss her cheek when...

"Well well well... we came for the bitch and found his queen instead..." A prepubescent voice said behind us. One of the boys Doug told us about most likely.

Huh. I wonder if I'm sane enough to not kill whoever's calling my fiancee the "queen of bitches"...?

"Sonic! Your eyes again..." Amy hissed.

'Answers that question huh crazy?' My mind's insanity comes back to taunt me. Though its... amount of effect seems like less. 'I wonder if this is the last of it?' 

Quick to act rationally I don't turn to look at them. "Just keep walking Ames... Don't address them, and don't run...." I reply calmly not looking back at the friend that Doug told us Rodney had. 'Bet that kid Tails killed was also a member of his crew.' I consider briefly.

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