Chapter 13

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*Amy's POV*

I waited for Sonic to finish eating his last muffin to ask him a question. He really seemed to like them. Everyone ate quickly as Cream needed to go to school the next day. I thought back on my own school experience when I was young. Before Eggman. Before Sonic. Before I became who I am today. I sigh as I reminisced about my family. I was an orphan at 7. I don't quite remember what happened to them. But I do remember the screaming. My mother's voice calling out some words that were too incoherent over everyone else's.

"Ames you ok?" Sonic's voice brought me back. "Mhm yeah, just thinking." I tried to avoid the truth without totally lying. "Well, when you sighed you sounded upset, are you sure you're ok?" Sonic pressured.

I bit my lip. I tell Sonic almost anything, to everything, except for the separation from my family. I just can't bring myself to bring it up. Even to him. "Did I do something wrong?" Sonic asks as I suddenly realized I've been thinking again too much. "IS IT THE MOVE? Is everything going too fast for-" I wave my hands to cut him off. "No no no no no trust me Sonic. I'm just...." I trail off. "... wondering whatever happened to my cook book." I conclude, getting back to my original question. "Oh uhh, I put that.... with your stuff earlier." My fangirl senses told me he was telling the truth.

"Oh ok. Shame though." I say stoping him from asking if he did something bad. 'At least I know where it is.' I think satisfied. "Why is it a shame?" Sonic asks raising an eye a bit. "Oh it's just I was hoping to make more of these muffins but I've already forgotten the number on the back for the special ingredients." I answer.


*Sonic's POV*

'Oh shit oh shit oh shit OH SHIT OH SHIT!' I internally panick. Luckily, I kept my cool. I didn't eat all of them... only 6.... out of 12....

'FUCK FUCK FUCK-' I start to scream internally.

"Sonic, can you help me clean up? I'd rather focus on the move tomorrow." Amy beckons me. "Sure Ames." I respond almost monotoned.

As soon as we threw away the plastic and paper utensils and plates we started getting ready for bed. We bought them on the drive back since we knew we had packed everything else.

As I lay down in bed I scratch at an itch dangerously close to my crotch. I contemplate whether or not we should take advantage of our alone time.

"CHAOS I'm exhausted!" I hear Amy yell out sounding very fatigued as she exits the bathroom and proceeds over to the bed and flops down.

'Guess that's a no.' I conclude to myself.

Amy then rolls over onto her back and looks at me as I turn of the light. I try not to face her. Those muffins could affect my emotions too much again. I could probably lose control of my natural instincts. 'Chaos please help me control my urges.' I plead. "Sonikku..." I hear Amy's soft voice wisper out. I close my eyes and turn my head in acknowledgment. "Mhm yeah Ames...?" I wisper out. "I love you..." Amy says sweetly as she scoots closer. "Love you too." I respond.


'I .... REALLY love you.... more than life itself.... more than anyone can compare' My mind starts turning. I try and force myself to go to sleep. 'Please please please please please I don't want to hurt her OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER!' I pleade to anyone that may listen to my worries. Then, as if out of no where, a soft snore, a sweet light snore, that lulls me to sleep.

Tommorow's Friday. We have to move out by Saturday. I start to calm down. No longer anxious. 'Who knew Amy had such a cute snore...?'


*Amy's POV*

I awoke to a phone ringing. Sonic has me tightly in his arms. I practically force him to pry open his arms. I sit up, and I see his phone buzzing on the floor. As I'm about to get out of bed Sonic sits up, sees me, the phone rings again, he turns to look at it, and the next second he's up and answering it. "Tails this better be an emergency." Sonic says rather harshly. I grab my own phone on floor on my side and turn it on to see that it's 7:12 am.

"Hmmmm.... yeah... okay... I'll help. But you better promise to keep yourself under control. Okay?..... good. Alright goodbye see ya soon." Sonic says as he looks at me. He hangs up and smiles at me.

"Wanna' surprise Cream?" He says.


'I can't believe Tails finally grew a pair...' I think to myself. Tails had the idea of picking up Cream early and taking her to school while we drop off the last of our things. However I did take a little more time cleaning up. Not just out of respect to the manager, but out of caution of some evidence that may still be present.

"Oh look there she is. Hey Cream. Morning." I call out to her. She looks up and smiles. She rushes over as I open the door. "Hop in. Tails wanted to give you a lift on the way to our house." I inform her. "Wow really?" Cream seemed confused, but she got in anyways and looked over at Tails. "Wait where's Sonic?" She asked. "Take a guess..." I say sarcastically. "Roof?" She assumed. I only chuckle and nod in response. We started talking, gossiping, laughing throughout the drive. I had realized that we were almost at the school when it occured to me that Tails still hasn't said a word. He seemed so shaky.

So I formed a plan.

"Hey Tails that reminds me, you went to school once. What was it like for you?" I question though I recalled that he only went for about 7 months. "Huh? Oh... well... it kinda sucked." Tails said rather dully. "Wait, you went full time right?" Cream question. 'Everything is going according to plan.' I internally note.

"Yeah, it was a nightmare really. I wish I had done only part time public education like you. They always made me do work at a really fast pace, or awfully slow pace. I preferred to manage my own education. Or at least I think I would've. I graduated early since I passed a special test." Tails informed Cream, almost ignoring me but I didn't mind. She nodded and then looked back up to see that we were outside the front of the school.

Sonic quickly jumped back down. "Hey Cream, sorry I didn't say hi earlier, was sleepin' on the roof." Sonic chuckles. "Oh it's okay, but you should probably leave, you have a lot of fangirls here." Cream informed as she got out. Sonic gets in, kisses my cheek, but I ignore him to wave goodbye to Cream, putting him off slightly. "Bye Amy, bye Sonic... bye Tails..." Cream said that last part rather slowly. "Byyyye Cream have a good day." I yell out as we leave.

I then link arms with Sonic to satisfy his sudden love-whore-needs.

(A/N hahaha    love-whore-needs)

He gladly cuddled back and lands one quick kiss on my lips before looking back up at Tails.... who had a slight smile now.

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