Chapter 27

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My teachers started to send out more work so I've been super busy.

But enough updating on me- here's an update for you!

Remember to please enjoy, vote, and comment~


*Sonic's POV*

"How can I help you Chief?" I asked Ronin Rat, as we found out to be his name days after the incident.

"I... looked up your addresses and saw an interesting change... You weren't even living together long before today were you?" He seemed honestly afraid as he asked while surveying the wedding reception decorations.

"Well, being a celebrity means having to keep some things hidden. Yeah our relationship was kinda rushed but our move was much needed, so I can assure... wait. Why are you asking?" I was nearly caught up in finding a loophole I didn't realized the oddity of the question.

"Ah! Sorry wasn't important just thought I'd chat a bit first. " The Chief seemed bashful.

'Oh yeah... he's a fan.' I remembered.

" I'm... sorry to ask on such an occasion...," he continued talking while I put my newfound "acting skills" to the test. I tried to look confused rather than angry or worried. Well, the kind of worried that insinuates I'm hiding something at least.

"But you are a known hero...." As he finished his sentence I looked back at Amy. She seemed to have just finished talking to Cream and Tails and was now heading to Rouge and Knuckles' table. "I'd have to confide in my girlf-... wife first." I tried not to blush but I couldn't help it. Yes my emotions aren't "crazy" anymore but they've always been high up. That's why I've always hated going dark. Going "crazy" was almost worst. It probably is.

"... Won't you consider? Those poor boys, they could both..."

He stopped momentarily most definently to think of his own son,"... they could be dead.... and no kid wants to talk to the police." At his words the gears clicked.

Although going crazy was bad.... I learned a thing or two....

"...Now that I think about it... My friend Cream went to same schools as them...she stopped due to the escalated violence but she might want to talk." Hook.

"You think so?" Cheif Rat had such hope in his eyes... Line.


"I'm sorry but yes... they were in a gang." Cream informed the Chief who now had a visible look of distraught spread across his face.


"... I'm so sorry... I didn't know for sure until my last day at school... I heard enough wispers to put two and two together..." Cream looked so guilty.

So I thought I'd help her out some. "You did a good thing telling Mr. Rat the truth Cream... even if it's unfortunate." Amy and Vanilla nodded as they patted her back softly.

Amy moved away and made eye contact with me for a split moment, then tilted her head and darted her eyes as Tails took her spot. I got the gist of it.

"Chief? How's about we go to the driveway for a second?" I motioned with my head as I whisper.

He only acknowledged me by walking to the car. As he reached it, he sat on the hood of his car facing away from everyone including me.

"A gang... my boy got caught up in a gang... and died that way...He ...," he sounded like he choked on his tears, "... He said he got a delivery job..."





"... He was a delivery boy..." Before the Chief could say "That's what he said" I interrupted him.

"He went missing in the outer part of town... right?" I asked knowing all the details already.

"... uh... yeah. His friend Frank said he saw him go into a store then greeted him quickly before saying he never saw him leave through the entrance. He was eating in the next store's outside table area so he knew it was quite a while." The Chief further informed me.

"Was it... Chica's Nick- Nacks?"

The Chief lit up with clarity.

"Amy ordered something from there... It was a cook book with some weird stuff. Don't tell her but I got rid of it... they seemed a bit suspicious. and since it's new I'm sure they hired some kids quickly."

He was silent for a few moments.

"Chief? You good? Hey I'm not sure but-" My acting was stopped short as the Chief mumbled something about "damn lying hippies" and quickly got in his car and sped off.

"The hell faker? You got the cops going fast too?" I nearly jumped out of my shoes at Shadow's voice.

But what really shocked me was the hedgehog at his side... with an ever present bump in her stomach.

And no... that's not Amy.


*Amy's POV*

I was a little put off when I rejoined Cream to see Sonic and the Chief talking to her but slowly made my way as Sonic acknowledge me and smiled. I took that as a "go ahead" to see what they were talking about.

I was even more put off as Cream agreed, albeit hesitantly, to tell the Chief what she knew.

It was so difficult for me to keep my composure as she spoke.

Those two boys who "went missing" suddenly had secrets exposed among the students.

They were both perverted bullies... who formed a gang... along with those boys who attacked us in the city.

As Sonic and the Chief left I decided to grab Cream some water. We both need it.

As I poured the first cup it ended up overflowing as I saw a certain black and red hedgehog  walking up to the reception. With a yellow hedgehog. A clearly pregnant... yellow hedgehog.

I just tried my best to set the cup aside without spilling anymore.

Rouge and Knuckles came to my side,  probably noticing my behavior, but both were as silently shocked as me. I could feel the air stiffening as they came closer.

"Hello Rose..." Shadow's deadpan voice almost felt uncomfortable. I managed to smile through though.

"Shadow... wow it's.... been so long." I couldn't help but eye the girl next to him.

"I know I know... just let me grab faker so I can explain." As he said that he looked straight past us and then whispered to the yellow hedgehog before they both walked up to Sonic.

Sonic was looking out as the Chief left rather quickly, evident by the tires screeching.

"The hell's going on?" Knuckles finally spoke for us.


Nikki spent too much time re-reading and crying and struggling to come up with a perfect ending...

Nikki gonna play animal crossing now...

(BTW by "perfect ending" I had to make sure everything was being covered and loose ends were tied before I make the last 2/maybe 3 chapters.... oh boy we're actually about to end huh... well don't worry you binge-reading fans of mine, I'll be uploading a new multi-chapter Sonamy fanfic soon... Possibly something to due with Sonic's royal family 🤭🤫)


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