Chapter 6

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*Sonic's POV*

I woke up before Amy. Wow two days in a row. One day was unusual enough. I hope she was able to sleep well.

'Especially after the night I gave her~' I seductively thought.

"Mmmn." Amy moaned as she stirred awake.

"Morning my rose~" I cooed. "Sonic?....Oh Sonic~" she wispered bashfully. "You enjoyed last night?" I decided on saying. After all "How did I do?" just sounds weak. "Mmh hm, that was the best night of my-" Her eyes suddenly opened wide. "OH SHIT I NEED TO GET A PILL!" Amy cried out suddenly as she ran out of bed and into my bathroom.


"...Pill?" My mind was full of questions now. 'What kind of pill? Had she taken pills before? WHY would she need pills?' Then it dawned upon me. ' Morning-after..... plan- B....she doesn't want to get pregnant.' I grew a little depressed at this thought. Amy's always been the only girl I really cared for, but now with my emotions intensified.... it hurts to think she may not want my children. "Sonic? Can you take me to Rouge's, she's got morning-after pills.... Can't exactly go into a store without rumors starting can we? Ha ha.... Sonic?" Amy calls out. I can't face her. But I speak anyway. "Amy... do you think.... we could ever have kids?" I say in almost a wisper.

"OH SONIC OF COURSE!" Amy assures me while sitting next to me on the bed. She proceeds to lift up my face. "Just not soon. We should get married first.... and wait for the... incident .... to be clear of our minds." She says softly enough to bring my heart up. I hold her hand on my cheek and smile at her. "Alrighty then. Let's get ready for our day." I announce gleefully.


*Amy's POV*

"Amy.... Did you and Sonic-?" "Yup!" I cut Rouge of as I drink up the coffee she made me. I look over at Sonic on the couch talking with Knuckles. I'm still shocked that even after all this time, Rouge and Knuckles weren't official. "Amy..." Rouge beckoned my attention with another wisper, "...did Sonic... force himself-" "NO!" I hiss out in a wisper. I then compose myself again, put the coffee down, look back to see Knuckles teasing Sonic again. I smile, and address Rouge again.

"I had.... a rat problem.... and Sonic offered his home.... and then we kinda... " I trailed off. "Woah wait you guys FUCKED?!"  I hear Knuckles cry out. Sonic then smacked his head. "Dude!" Sonic spat out turning red. "Geez did you want the whole neighborhood to hear?! Leave us some privacy!" Sonic commanded.

I couldn't help but giggle. "Okay enough wispering, I'll get you the pill ONLY if you two promise to use condoms from now on!" Rouge emphasized her statement towards Sonic more than me. "Yeah yeah, I get it, I'll use protection for Amy's sake." Sonic retaliated. "Hmp. Okay hun. Come in my room I got your much needed supplies." Rouge led me to her room and suddenly shut the door. "Okay Amy I need you to listen. Two days ago... at the outing... Sonic wassss..." She slurs off for a moment, trying to find the right words. "He was... really protective of you.... can you promise me... he won't control your life?" With Rouge finally concluding, I giggled and nodded my head. "Yeah Rouge I know. My body. My rules. My freedom of choice. Sonic knows that too." I assure her.

"Hun I know you mean that.... but if anything happens ... call me first." Rouge asserted. I only nod in agreement. I take my pill, call Sonic to go home, say our goodbyes and head to the dump site.

Sonic starts having a bit of a nervous look. "Ames? Are we going.... there?" He finally questions. "Yes we have to make sure the.... things... are gone." I add a look of dominance as I say this to make sure Sonic doesn't question me so much on this again. "Oh okay, I just thought we'd eat first." Sonic says while hinting at his hunger. "If you run us there I can make you pancakes when we get home. My ingredients are set out to be delivered before 11:00." I say as I look at the city's clock tower. It was only 7:27. The delivery service starts at 8:00  today so we have time.


*Sonic's POV*

"Wow I didn't think the bones would turn to ash too." I say breaking the silence after putting Amy down. She brushes off her skirt and shirt, slightly moving it down, allowing me to see her cleavage. I blush slightly. 'Control it. Control it. We don't have any condoms!' I scold myself.

"Yeah if the fire lasts long enough the bones will disintegrate. I bet no one will even be able to discern it from the dirt after the wind and rain blows it away." Amy concludes. Speaking of rain it's getting closer to spring. Soon Amy and I will have to stay indoors at all times.... alone.... alone~. "Come on Sonic. My ingredients are set to deliver by now." Amy beckons me. I pick her up and rush home.


"Why don't you start packing your things and live with me?" I ask Amy, who's currently lying on my lap watching T.V. "I think I'd actually like to move to the meadow.... where we started this whole thing." Amy tells me. "Besides the city really has been going to shit lately." She concludes crudely. "Wow Mrs. Pottymouth, you really seem to show your true colors when you're relaxed." I joke. She laughs but I know she's still thinking. I tilt my head, hoping she'd seriously considered my request.

Then the fucking doorbell dinged.

"Ooh my ingredients!" Amy got up cheerfully. 'It's fine, it's cool, not like we were HAVING A MOMENT!' I scream internally.

She starts preparing the pancakes as I wait at the table. I'm not bad at cooking but I know Amy prefers to do this alone. But I can't shake the empty feeling I have. Actually, it's more like emptying. Like something inside me is oozing out. I get up thinking I might have to use the restroom. "Where you going?" Amy calls out from the kitchen as I enter her hallway. "Bathroom!" I reply.


After eating I felt soooooo much better. Amy was now underneath me on her couch. Stroking my chest from under my shirt. I was nibbling on her neck while caressing her thighs. She then moved her hand and pulled out a condom from her skirt pocket. I was to grab it when Amy pulled it away. "Huh- Ames come on, don't tease me." I wimper slightly.

"Sonic I love you but this is the only one Rouge gave me. I'd rather hold off on sex for a while anyways." She says while looking down at her crotch. She must still be sore. I feel guilty again. "Ames... I'm sorry... I swear I'll be sure to be more gentle here on out." I promise her. She smiles and moves up to kiss me when the doorbell rings... again.

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