Chapter 12

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    I just started school again so I might not update as often BUT I WILL NOT. I repeat. WILL NOT.

Leave the story unfinished.... I fucking hate that shit with the power of a thousand suns... 😡😑


*Sonic's POV*

Once we got back to the apartment. We called the gang to help us pack. Tails had offered his truck so we wouldn't have to rent one but he sounded a little reluctant to even come by. 'Probably worked up the courage to hang out with Cream alone and we ruined his plans.' I guessed.

"Sonic, can you and the boys bring the my couch and fridge downstairs? Cream, Rouge and I will start loading the truck with the boxes." Amy instructed more than asked of me. "Sure thing Ames." I agree. As Knuckles and I head upstairs I noticed Tails lingered a bit more around Cream before following.

"Tails you good?" I ask of him. 'I'm starting to get my sympathy back.' I noted. "Yeah, let's just hurry up, I think I'm getting a little tired from all this packing and moving." He says with little emotion on his tongue. "Dude you look like you're gonna blow up!" Knuckles motioned his hands to his stomach. "Yeah I ate a bit much at Creams this morning." Tails revealed.

Somehow I got a funny feeling about that.


*Amy's POV*

Sonic and the others went upstairs and us girls quickly got to work. I knew we would have to bring more heavy stuff after since there was less room than we originally thought as I packed.

"Guess we'll take our beds and Sonic's things after we unload this stuff." I noted out loud as we finished up the last few things. "Speaking of beds, you and Sonic might have to buy a new one." Rouge giggled. I only blush in response but I realized that she was right. 'I guess our beds could go into the other rooms.' I concluded. "Wait you and Sonic already...? Cream trailed off with a blush on her face. "Hm, yeah kinda." I say as innocently as I could, not wanting to tell Cream the honest truth. 'We didn't just sleep together~' I lustfully think to myself. "Wow, would've thought you'd wait until your honeymoon." Cream stated with a smirk, but still blushing. 'Guess she's matured more than I thought.' I realize. I giggle in response as I load the last box waiting for the boys to return with either my couch or fridge. I was glad that packing only took half a day for me. Sonic has way less stuff and he's quick of course so he should be done easily.

I lean against the side wall (A/N where the fire escape is, the side of the building is where the truck is, sorry for any confusion.) with the girls as we continue to wait. "You know what, I'm gonna check on the boys." I say as I get up and head to the front. I see my couch and assume Sonic and the others went back to get the fridge. I head back and see Rouge and Cream looking on edge. "You girls okay?" I say out loud alarming them a little. "Oh hun you spooked us there. Yeah we're fine but we thought we saw someone." Rouge tells me as Cream nods in agreement. I only shrug, assumimg it was no one.

I walk to them and ask what they want for dinner, since it was past lunch. I've planned on making something for the group from my new book. But I couldn't find it anywhere. Luckily I knew the basic instructions and had already ordered the special ingredients when I bought more pancake ingredients. I even texted Cream the recipe and number for the pancakes that night hoping she'd want to borrow my book after.

Although, I'm starting to think that book had bad luck or something, and I don't want that in Sonic's and my life. Maybe I shouldn't let Cream have it now that I've thought about it. 'Maybe making muffins from that book is a bad idea-' "Okay then it's settled. As the boys unload the first trip, we'll make some spaghetti while Amy makes the muffins." Rouge seemed to have decided as I was daydreaming.


*Sonic's POV*

I had just remembered the cook book Amy left in my apartment and decided to sneak it into her things. I rush quicker than ever so that Tails and Knuckles don't even realize I left, and I put the book in between her couch cusions right as Knuckles and Tails (and "I") grab her couch.

They didn't notice a thing.

"Huh? Hey wait. That looks like that cook book Amy got." Taiks said slowly lowering his side and grabbing between the cusions. "Uhhhh yeah! You know what? I'll take it down real quick." I say zipping even faster to the truck, praying Amy couldn't sense me. Although.... I heard something interesting between the girls.

"Yeah I don't know, maybe Tails just isn't brave enough to be committed right now. I'm thinking of going back to school all week now instead of once a week." Cream said. She had to be homeschooled most of her life and only went to schools on Fridays to take a quick assessment test. 'Poor kid. Never had a normal life.' I think to myself. Before zipping back, I heard her say one more thing. "Maybe a boy at school will have the balls to ask me out instead right?" She said in a joking but contemplating manner, as the other girls laughed.

I ran back up and before they could ask "WhAt TooK sO LoNG?" like they always do when I'm not back in 2 seconds, I told them what I had just heard. At first Knuckles shook his head and laughed a little. "Man Tails, I warned you. Come on Sonic let's take the couch. Tails you lock the door and catch up with us. Try to give yourself a few minutes." Knuckles recommended as Tails took in our words.

To be honest though. WHAT THE FUCK MAN! Knuckles gives Tails advice?! But laughed at me when Amy and I got together! He laughed when he found out we had sex! I would have appreciated some advice too dammit!


We were unloaded the first trip and came back. Luckily I was able to hide Amy's book in a spare closet where she couldn't reach. The girls would leave to buy ingredients for dinner since Amy's and my fridge and pantry were practically cleaned out, except for a few dry baking ingredients. Perfectly timed with our move though so I guess it was meant to be.

We got back, Knuckles and I took my couch and fridge first and then I speedily packed my other belongings. We decided to leave the beds for last since they were both queen size. Tails stayed in the truck, still contemplating his next move on Cream. 'Poor fucker.' I thought.

I kissed Amy goodbye, Knuckles practically ran out before me, and we went to unload the second trip. Amy and I will spend one last night here and make the final moving day tommorow.

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