Chapter 14

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*Sonic's POV*

The day turned into a blur. Tails had called Rouge and Knuckles to help us move in quicker, even though I was already quick. But there was still some rearrangement here and there to keep the unpacking from getting done quickly enough. We decided to just get pizza for our late lunch/dinner before we set up the last few things. Amy was done with her pizza first and was now looking for something.

"Ames? You ok?" I ask looking away from my circle of friends surrounding the pizza. "Yeah I'm just looking for something. Do you know where I left my book?" Amy said a she finally looked up at me. 'Lie to her! Say you didn't see it while unpacking!' My mind screamed at me. 'But I didn't see it actually... did Rouge get it? She could reach that shelf I left it in. When I was puting things away I might have rearranged things by accident.  Right?' I ponder. "Uhhh I didn't see it while unpacking actually." I admit after my internal conflict and questioning. "Oh well," Amy says with a sigh as she comes back and sits next to me "did any of you see my book at any time?" Amy questions everyone. They shake their heads as they chew up their last slices of pizza. "Cheer up Ames, I'm sure I brought it. It's here somewhere." I say silently hoping that it did get lost on the way.

I grab her waist slighty trying to confort her. She seemed more upset than she should be. Well in my opinion anyway. She'd have enough money to buy another so why is she so upset now?

"Welp as fun as this day was, I need to head to work. Big weekend ahead." Rouge says in her sultry tone as she rises off the floor. "Yeah same, I need to get back to the master emerald. My 'week off' took longer than I thought it would and I'm anxious to get back." Knuckles added after Rouge started heading for the door. "I think I ought to leave too, I have something I need to do. Bye you two tell us when the house-warming is." Tails adds last. "Oooh yeah Amy, call me when you're ready to buy decorations, I'll help out." Rouge added as she finally waved goodbye along with the others. "Yeah for sure!" Amy says in a cheerful mood as she gets up to properly wave goodbye and closes the door as the others leave and locks it.

"Well I don't know about you but I think we should get to bed already." I started to get up slightly aching from all the moving around. "Hmmm okay but I'm gonna be mad if I end up waking up at 3:00 am." Amy complained. "Oh no I wasn't talking about sleeping Ames~" I confess. Her eyes lit up in a bashful manner.

I slowly walk over to her and she does the same smiling slightly. "Sonic... don't you think maybe..." Her voice trailed off. I grew worried. "Ames? What is it, you're not still too sore are you? I promise I'll go softer this time..." I said slightly panicking now. "Sonic... do you... um...?" She trailed off again.  "What?" I ask concerned but loving.

"Do you think... we could... get married soon?" Amy finally said starting to get teary eyed.



I don't know why I'm asking him this now. RIGHT AFTER we started moving into our new house!

'It's because of that pregnancy test you took.' My mind recounts for me.

'Oh yeah... that... ' I admit. I'm not pregnant. The test was negative. The pill worked.

'But you wish it hadn't. You wish you were pregnant.' My thoughts started to fuel my tears more and a few drops rolled down my face.

"Amy... of course..." Sonic's voice brought me back. I look up at him. He sees my face and he looks shocked for a moment before tilting his head, lowering his ears and eyes, as he cups my face. "Let's get married as soon as we're settled. Yeah?" He questions slightly waiting for my confirmation. I nod and wipe my stray tears away. "Good, now I'm starting to think maybe we should sleep, it's only 7:00 but I think with us waking up so early we should treat ourselves." Sonic. concludes in an eager tone.


'Sure enough I'm up at 4:38 am. I knew we shouldn't have slept in.' I scold myself. I'm laying awake in bed waiting for Sonic to loosen up his grip on my waist. It's not terribly tight but I can't move as freely.

But even if he wasn't holding me, I'd have nowhere to move. My bed is kinda tiny and so is Sonic's. 'Rouge was right, we do need a new bed. If Sonic won't let me out of his grip then I'll just grab my phone and start searching for mattress stores.' I conclude as I reach for my phone next to me on the nightstand.

Luckily I didn't wake him up. I start searching and start considering buying more furniture. I threw out my old table. Sonic threw out his couch. 'Maybe I can bye a new cook book while I'm shopping. Not the same one though.' The thought of the old book disappearing gave me an ominous form of anxiety. I was extremly apprehensive now. 'It just had so many odd qualities and now it's MISSING!' I shout internally as I scrunch up my face.

'Though I did want to bake something for Sonic yesterday. It really messed up my mood not being able to satisfy him.... satisfy him.' The thought of sex came up again. Yes I wanted to do it.... but marriage should come first. At least for me.

"Mmmhh .... Ames?" Sonic said as he stirred awake. 'Speak of the devil.'


*Sonic's POV*

Amy was awake before me and looking at her phone. I look up at the clock opposite to us and see that it's barely gonna be 5:00 am. "Morning Sonikku~" Amy's sweet voice called out as I release her momentarily to stretch. "Morning my lovely to-be wife~" I countered back. She blushed in response, as she never took her eyes off of her phone.

I rise up to see her searching through furniture websites. "We going shopping today?" I ask with a small yawn. "Hm? Oh no I'll be fine on my own Sonic. Besides you'll be bored in no-time." She responds with a giggle.

I was going to counter back but then I had a realization. 'As Amy shops, I can finish unpacking, and then set up a date here to properly propose to her.' And with that thought, "Okay then, I'll finish unpacking for you my love." I add innocently as I kiss her cheek.

"Great! We'll be done settling in sooner!" Amy gets up and starts undressing. I of course... enjoy the show. "Sonic can you unpack the kitchen stuff while I get ready? I'll make us breakfast as soon as I'm done dressing." Amy commands of me. I hesitently get up, not wanting to upset her, but I do linger a moment as I see her breast reveal themselves for a moment. 'Chaos I love her!'

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