Chapter 24

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*Sonic's POV*

Amy was in a seperate interrogation room from me.

I didn't like that one bit.

I was back to feeling like my normal self after the police arrived at the scene. I remember checking my eyes quickly with Amy and she said the red had just gone away. One less thing to worry about.

I knew because of the extreme violence present they would question us but I didn't think they'd go so far as to keep us in cuffs and seperate interrogation rooms.

Suddenly my ears twitched as I hear the door jiggling.

I saw a rat enter the room.

'Oh.... perfect.' I almost laughed at the irony but I was able to hold my sanity in place. I merely coughed.

"You ok? Mr.... is your last name actually the Hedgehog?" Chief Rat asked me.

"Your last name is Rat isn't it?" I lightly chuckle trying my best to seem like my usual self. Especially considering Doug told us how much the kid's parents loved us. 'I can use that to my advantage.'

The chief laughed, then he sat down at the other side of the table I was cuffed to. Speaking of which...

"I hope I'm not going to jail," I stretched out my cuffed hands showing him what I meant, "I was doing it out of self defense, honestly." It's not like I lied really.

"Oh yes sorry... sometimes even innocent bystanders leave before we get our reports so... safety measures." He nodded with those last words.

I chuckle and smile, earning a smile back.

"I assume you know about my son, considering you know my name..." He asked.

'So this is where the interrogation begins...'

"Yeah I saw on the news last week... I'm sorry..." I try my best to be honest. I didn't want any loopholes to be found but I had to just in case. Before he could speak again, I came up with an idea.

"Amy and I... well we were... buying a few pregnancy tests today. So I can't necessarily say how I'd feel about losing my child is the same to your feeling but... honestly my frustration might have gotten the best of me." I half admit to the celebrity-blind rat.

He stared at me before jumping up with an "Oh!" and looking at the "mirror" behind him signaling something. I was tense and worried at first but relieved at the sight of a grey opossum bringing in my bags from the store.

"We weren't sure if it was yours or not. We knew you went in, based on what the cashier and... Amy said." He seemed tense at those last few words.

I didn't want to make him suspicious so I just "checked" to see if all my belongings were there (with the little movement my hands could muster). I briefly considered opening a bag of chips but I thought that'd be a bit rude. Even for me right now.

(A/N: Fuck I'm hungry... brb gonna make a sandwich)

"Well based on the boy's confessions... now sobering up I think I might add, and your... girlfriend's... telling of the story correlating with theirs, I suppose after your statement you should be free to go."

I almost gulped at his words but smiled back instead.

"Ok, well, so we went to the drugstore. Got our things. We hears the kids... taunting Amy and Doug- the cashier who called you," he nodded and seemed calm at my words, "then they tried attacking me and Amy but I did most of the fighting back, since Amy kinda might have her condition... aaaaand yeah that's it."

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