Chapter 29

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My graduation is coming up but I'm technically done with my senior year of high-school so yay me!

And yay to another chapter!

Enjoy, vote, and comment~


*Amy's POV*

"Sheesh... now I'm worried about the pain I'll get.. AND I'M EXPECTING THREE!" I freaked out as Maria retold the story of her birth. I'm due in about a week so I'm already anxious enough as it is.

"Ohhh... don't... think of the negative." She began to lightly dab the black and golden-yellow baby's mouth as he spit up. "Dark here is the biggest blessing I could have asked for... especially knowing I've lost a relative recently only to have that void filled again..."

Yes, the baby's name is Dark.

Shadow defended his reasoning for his son's name by saying he wanted him to have true friends. Don't judge a book by its cover basically. One might also say he wants his kids to have friends that reminds him of us... but we all know he'd never admit to that.

Also yes, Eggman died... two weeks after our wedding. Three months prior to Dark's birth.




Sheesh I'm really anxious!

Sonic was starting to worry me too. But I supposed he learned his lesson on how to act/react after the whole pancake fiasco. But he still got... weird... whenever I was alone with him. Like he wanted to say something but never did.

But I haven't the time to confront him about it. Especially since I'm more concern about the babies.

And I don't mean just mine.

Rouge, yes Rouge, is pregnant.

Heh, she gave me a talking to about Sonic and I rushing when she took it a step further by hiding her pregnancy for her first three months. Knuckles eventually blurted it out at a barbecue at our house. I however, knew it since the wedding. Rouge would never not touch any for of alcohol at a party.

Unless she was pregnant.

It was kinda funny how the eldest of us girls was one of the last to get pregnant. (Cream is still too young.) Seriously though, what a load of crap talking down on me when Sonic and I slept together.

Speaking of crap.

"Maria, I think Dark made a doo doo~~" I baby talked while looking at Dark as Maria laughed. He was certainly a cute baby but I'm sure that's because of his eyes, a cheery blue.

Makes me wonder how my kids will look. The thought first occurred when I was eight weeks pregnant. Three weeks after the wedding. Then when we got the ultrasound that showed us that there was gonna be three kids. Two boys and a girl. Sonic made a joke saying his boys better not be pink but one glare at him made him just chuckle. He was only joking and eventually brought it up again saying if there was any pink boys he'd wanted backup names.

Oh the names...We agreed that Sonic would pick the boys names while I picked the girl's.

Cobalt was Sonic's favorite for a boy but there was still the chance that they would be purple. So he urged me to tell my my ideas for girl names in retaliation.

So I suggested Julie, which he seemed to love so much it was pretty much definite. He would even cuddle up to my stomach and talk to her specifically. He's already given her the nickname "Jewel." I didn't mind it.

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