Chapter 15

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*Amy's POV*

After breakfast I went all over town in search of more furiture and other home-decorations. As soon as I ordered the deliveries for tommorow I started searching for nearby bookstores. 'There's a lot more than I thought there'd be.' I realize. It's almost noon so I ought to go home and worry about the book tomorrow.

'I know plenty of recipes already so why am I even searching for more?' I question myself not realizing I just passed by our old apartments. I finally take notice of the area and turn back to quickly greet the manager. We turned in our keys before we left yesterday but we hardly spoke since it was so early in the morning.

As I entered I saw Al with a for rent sign in hand. "Hello there again, enjoying the new digs?" Al grinned. "Yeah, hope you'll find someone to rent soon, I feel bad that we left in such a rush." I admitted. "Oooh don't you worry bout' that! I knew you love-hogs were bound to get together and move out together sooner or later!" He said with a booming voice for an approximately 40- something- year- old.

"I was actually hoping you two would get together soon. After all, you're both young and bound to start a family sooner or later right?" He said suggestively. "Oh I think I'll have to worry about the wedding first!" I giggled back.

"Haha ooh that brings me back, my wife Martha was a stay at home mom for 6 years before we had enough money to throw a wedding. We had twins, so it was always a financial struggle. Actually...," Al paused as he finished putting the sign up and looked at me, "After you two moved in bout' 8 years ago, it was like luck was our side. You two were never late on rent, and always had a positive influence on other tenants." Al finished with a warm smile.

I nearly teared up. "Aww Al I'm glad you think so. Tell you what, I'll drop by to notify you about our house-warming party ok." I beam at him. "As long as the Mrs. can come too, my boys are all grown up now and she'd love to meet new people that weren't just friends of her kids." Al countered back. "Why of course, I'll be sure to welcome her too, after what you just said." I confirm as I finish up and start to leave the building.

"Well I gotta go, my boyfriend's waiting for me, I'll be back soon k?" I call back. "Ok sounds like a plan, oh and before I forget," he paused and had a sudden serious looking face. "Be careful on your own, there's been a murder around here." He finally says after putting on his most serious face I'd ever seen.

I froze. 'Shit SONIC! What did you do now!?' I cried out internally.

"Now so far there was that missing rat-boy, BUT, apparently another boy from his school was killed nearby, he was about two years older." He informs me. "Now the police say that they're connected to the school itself, but I got a gut feeling it's just a coincidence." Al finally finished and says one last goodbye as I leave, assuring him I'll be safe.

'Dammit Sonic, PLEASE tell me you have nothing to do with that murder too!'


*Sonic's POV*

I was paitiently waiting for Amy to come home. A task more difficult than the cooking I just did. It was spagetti and steak. I would've added wine but Amy isn't old enough yet.

'Damn! Is she really only 20? Is she too young to get married? No, she's over 18 obviously so it's legal... but she's still a bit young to have kids...' My mind reflects as I wait. If she's taking longer than I thought then the food will get cold. 'I've only been waiting for 5 minutes...' I realize with a groan as I flop down on the livingroom sofa. 'I'm glad Amy kept her sofa, mine was hella lumpy and small. I wonder if she bought another one though? This one still is small for a room this size.' I let myself ponder some more about what style Amy was going for. "Definitly family friendly but modern." I say out loud as the words echo off the nearly empty room's walls. Amy for sure wants kids but when? 

Suddenly the door starts to make a small noise, that being the knob turning. I rise up to see Amy entering with a fatigued look. "Honey I'm home..." she says sounding fairly melancholic. "Welcome home Ames~" I let my words roll off my tongue as seductively as I can. But she only looks up in a shocked manner, as if not seeing me until now. She then steps back a bit. Worried that shes exhausted from malnourishment I go to her side and lead her to the kitchen.

"I'm sure you're very hungry by now, so I have a surprise for you." I say as I lock arms with her. "Sonic...? You made me food?" Amy questions. "Of course my rose, I even dressed up a bit for you, did you notice?" I question her. Indeed I dressed up in a simple tux with a pink tie that Amy gave me for a Valentine's day event tears ago. "Oh... yes... you do look dashing." Amy finally smiles at the sight before her. "Haha if my looks could kill huh?" I joke. She grimices slightly. 'Okaaay maybe not the right joke right now, DO SOMETHING ROMANTIC IDIOT!' My mind commands me.

I pull out Amy's chair and seat her before grabbing the plates of food I already prepared. "Sonic...? Are you doing this for some... special... reason?" Amy questions me. "Amy my dear, you are my special reason." I answer back, but not without noticing her behavior. 'Is she sick?' I suddenly feel concern but I try to hide it.

"Sonic. I'm just gonna be straight foward about this..." Amy starts up. I sit down and acknowledge her.

"Did you kill someone else?" She asks of me.


"What? No... Amy I've been where you've wanted me to be since we started this... whole thing." I confirm. She looks at me in the eye for a solid 20 seconds before sighing and loosening up her tense body. "I believe you." She says with a smile.

She then informs me on her morning, including why she thought I might have killed someone else. Though the mentioning of the manager irritated me a bit at first, I was intrigued by how he thought of us and was delighted by the time Amy informed me that she'll be inviting them to our house-warming party. 'He should've help pushed us together long ago, so many memorable events had passed in those years that I wish I had spent with Amy now!' I concur.

But I was also curious about the second murder. 'Who was it?' I ponder.


I set aside all other thoughts as Amy and I got our very much earned alone time~.

We started off kissing in the livingroom, but slowly made our way upstairs to our currently designated bedroom. I finally got her in bed and started to undress her.

"Hehehe Sooniiic!" Amy giggled out as I lifted her shirt off her. "Hhmmm whaaat? Don't you wanna do this?" I ask half flirtatiously, half concerned. "Well yes but..." She paused. "Yes but what?" I ask slightly lifting my body off her.

She then flips me onto my back and is now strattling me. "Why should I always be naked first~?" She says in her amorous way. Excitment fueled through me as she reached to my pants. "Wow you're hard already huh~" She commented causing me confusion. "Huh, no I don't get hard that quick-" I stop myself as I see a bulge where my pocket is.

'THE RING!' My mind screams at me. In all the talking I forgot it. "Oh shit!" I cuss as I look up at Amy with a confused look. "Sonic? If that's not-... what's in your pocket?" Amy asks as she reaches for the box. I give up in the moment and curse myself for not doing my all for Amy's proposal.

Amy takes out the box, realizes what it is, and without wasting another moment opens it. "Oo-ohh- oh my chaos.... Sonic I- " Amy stuttered out as tears start to form in her hafe eyes. "Sur...prissssse..." I say meekly. She looks up and smiles before crashing her lips onto mine. About 3 minutes of making out, I was properly erect, and I'm sure Amy noticed because she was rubbing her pelvis on me.

She had put the ring on during our make our session and now took her lips off mine to breathe and admire her new ring. "Sonikku I love it." She said as she rubbed the leftover water stains on her cheeks with her other hand. "I'm glad... sorry the surprise-moment was ruined, I forgot to do it at lunch...." I admit my forgetfulness. "Oh Sonic I'm not upset by that, besides, it really is a surprise now." She says as she begins to undress my top layers.

"Let's just... enjoy ourselves now~" She says and she unhooks her own bra. I unzipped her skirt as she did this. "You got that condom?" I ask with a smirk. "Hmmmng.... Sonic...?" Amy looks to me in a questining way.

"How about we forget about that~"

I only respond with a smirk.

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