[Relationship Origins] Miranda Vanderbilt

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-          Oh, you bet you helped her become Prom Queen. She decides you're awfully useful (and awfully cute, too!).

-          Miranda, being ever believing in chivalry, refused to be the one to ask you out.

-          Instead, she just kept dropped horribly non-subtle hints about wanting to be asked out.

-          She was very loud with these hints, and almost everyone got the picture except for you. All you needed was a little push.

~ ~ ~

The semester was coming to a close, but not too many people cared too much about studying for finals. School was a joke. The teachers didn't expect anything more from their student body, so on a particularly slow day in class, the teacher just decided to put on a movie and give up. Miranda, Damien and ______ sat in the back of class on a couch, Damien twirling a knife in his hands. Miranda was once again trying to get ______ to notice her, and he was about to snap if he had to hear it one last time. He looked over at Miranda and ______, who were both sitting on the couch while Miranda went through her cutlery collection. "This is really my best fork," Miranda took it out, showing it to ______. "It's the date fork. You use it when on a date, and it's made perfectly to hold so the user always looks elegant, even if they're eating something messy. I wish someone would ask me out on a date so I could use it," she scooted closer to ______, and they just nodded, paying close attention but looking right through her.

Damien was sick of it. Ever since prom, Miranda had been trying painfully hard to get ______ to do something she refused to do herself: ask her on a date. This was the final annoyance. Damien got up, grabbed ______ without saying a word to Miranda and dragged them to the other side of the room. Before ______ could even ask what was going on, Damien snapped, pointing the knife at them. "Listen to me and listen closely," Damien started. "If you don't ask Miranda out right now, I will end your current life."

______ stared at him blankly. "What do you mean?" they asked cluelessly.

Damien laughed. "Your ignorance is ridiculous, ______. It would be kind of cute if I didn't want to stab you and Miranda right now. You are the only person who doesn't see she is asking you every day to ask her out. So help me, if I hear it one more time, you are done for."

______ just nodded and Damien smiled, walking back to Miranda, who looked at Damien with a confused expression. "Is something wrong?" she asked ______ the second they sat down.

"Nothing's wrong," ______ assured in a nervous tone. They looked towards Damien, who gave a thumbs up. "Miranda, I have to ask you something. Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

"Really? This is completely unexpected! I'd love to!" Miranda said, hugging ______'s arm. They breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her back. All the fear of before seemed silly now as Miranda began to hint at where she's like to go.

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