[Bullied for Weight] Calculester Hewlett-Packard

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-          Calculester is a master in detecting even the smallest changes in his partner's mood.

-          In fact, he has a program specifically designed for it! He created it himself.

-          It's hard to get anything past Cal, and he's great at making his partner cheer up and feel better.


______ and Calculester had a routine of always going out to milkshakes on Wednesdays after classes. He never drank anything, for obvious reasons, but he'd still buy a milkshake for himself and pretend to drink it, and he bought ______ anything they wanted. However, instead of ordering anything this time, they were satisfied sitting across from Cal and slowly stirring his milkshake with the straw. Calculester knew that something was wrong. "______, do you want to talk about why you're upset?"

______ was taken aback suddenly by Calculester's very forward question. They decided to smile at Calculester. "I don't know what you mean, cutie."

Calculester decided to expand. "______, you always order a milkshake, and today you didn't want one, so I ran my 'check-on-my-favorite' program. You've been talking less, you've only been smiling when my visual camera is focused on you, your brain is producing less dopamine than less days and you haven't wanted to talk about what is bringing you down. I want you to know that I am here to listen to you!"

______ thought for a moment, laughing lightly. "I guess I can't hide anything from you," they sniffled, looking away for a moment. "I don't want to bring you down with my problems, I guess. I didn't want to ruin your milkshake date."

"______, I don't even drink my milkshake. I pretend to drink it so I can do fun couple things with you. I want you to be happy, and I assure you, I've never found a negative emotion when you're in my company." Calculester's screen lit up with a smile. "So you can tell me anything!"

______ looked back at Calculester, taking in a deep breath. "You're right. There has been something bothering me. More and more lately... I keep hearing people make comments about my body. Some people keep mentioning that I'm... too big, that I'm unattractive, that I would look better without all this extra weight. Some of them have even said that I don't... that I don't deserve to be with you."

______ started letting their emotions get the better of them, looking away and trying to force down tears. Calculester, remembering how to practice sympathy, wanted to comfort ______ as best he could. He reached an arm out, taking them by the hands. "______, those statements are objectively false. Would you like to know why?"

______ raised an eyebrow, using their free hand to wipe the tears away. "Uh... I suppose?" they asked, unsure what to expect.

Cal's screen remained happy as he started naming numbers. "Under my vision, and according to my data, you are 100% cute the way you are. The factors that go into that are the way that you treat others, the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you act, the way you hold yourself, the way you dress, and the way you make me feel. The amount you weigh and the way you look doesn't factor into that equation. According to every known algorithm, you are 100% beautiful to me."

______ couldn't help smiling and blushing, kissing Cal's robotic hand even though they knew he wouldn't feel it. It didn't matter if Cal made the entire algorithm and categories up, he always had a way of making them feel better. "You really don't care about they way I look when I'm next to you?"

"Why would I? Body is temporary! Come now, drink my milkshake. I got your favorite, and I'd hate for it to go to waste," Calculester pushed the full and slightly melted shake towards them. "I'm happy to be seen with you any day."

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