[Relationship Origins] Vera Oberlin

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-          Vera is all business, and her relationships are no different.

-          After you help her set up her criminal empire and become her most trusted advisor, she made sure that you either always had protection, or you were able to stay around her.

-          She teases you a lot, but she really means it when she says that you're special to her.

-          People know to stay the fuck out of your business, unless they want to meet the business end of Vera's many assassins (Murdr wasn't made for fun, honey).


Valerie Oberlin never knew her sister to be the 'cuddly' or 'romantic' type. Vera was many things: intelligent, ruthless, demanding, profitable... but she never knew Vera to be romantic. At least, not until ______ showed up.

Vera and Valerie would occasionally spend their lunches hanging out together instead of setting up shop or eating lunch, and days like those were the ones Valerie looked forward to most. She adored spending quality time with her adoptive sister, but today it wasn't just the two of them. Today, Vera brought along ______, someone who Valerie knew little about. Vera greeted her like normal. "Hey Val," Vera started. "How's business going?"

"It's slow," she answered. "Not too many students have been wanting to buy my totally-not-a-real-dead-body corpse, and I really need to get this off my hands. Who's this?"

______ answered before Vera. "I'm ______, remember? I bought a fake badass tattoo from you."

"They're my advisor," Vera told her. "I think the killer croc caught on that a lot of my advice was fed to me through them, and so he's been sending a ridiculous number of assassins to kill ______. It's been really annoying; I'm just waiting for the croc himself to show up so I can get a new pair of shoes."

Valerie looked ______ up and down. Vera wasn't usually one to protect people she didn't care about or need from assassination attempts, so seeing as she was being very careful to keep ______ safe was her version of romance. Valerie didn't miss this and smiled widely, a raising an eyebrow. "Vera, when were you going to let me meet your new date? Have you guys gone anywhere special?"

______ started to blush, and Vera looked surprised herself. Although she knew she probably should've expected that Valerie would be able to tell that Vera had feelings for ______, she hadn't expected her to say it out loud. ______ was the first one to talk after Valerie's comment, saying, "It's not that kind of thing, I'm just her criminal advisor."

"Ah, so you're partners in crime!" Valerie pressed on, loving how red Vera was getting. Part from embarrassment over her feelings being expose, and part from being upset with Valerie for exposing them. She wasn't mad at her; she just wished this conversation would end. "You know, being partners in crime is even better. There's been a lot of criminal couples over the years, but you two take the cake."

"Valerie, please," Vera started, glaring at her. Even the snake in her hair were leaning up in attention, and their eyes were all focused on Valerie. If Vera wasn't able to control her 'Gorgon Gaze,' Valerie would be a statue by now. "Shut. Up."

"I'm just saying, you two look great together. Don't you agree, ______?"

All at once, ______ was put on the spot. They've been pining after Vera for weeks, but besides that dinner, romance never came up. They had hoped for a slow burn over a series of crimes, each crime getting done more passionately, but that didn't look like it was going to happen anytime soon. Especially now that Vera was looking over at them expectantly, and they wanted to choose their words carefully. "Vera looks great no matter who she's with," ______ started. "I'd be lucky to date her, but I don't think that the feeling is returned, and that's-"

______ was going to say 'that's okay,' but instead they were met with Vera's lips on their cheek as she took their hand in hers. "You don't have to say anymore, ______," Vera said, a noticeable tone of pink om her face. "After all, you're wrong. the feelings are reciprocated."

As ______ was left speechless, Valerie let out a laugh. I knew it, she thought, watching the two of them smile at each other.

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