[I Love You] Vera Oberlin

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- You said it first, just because Vera was struggling with it.

- Believe it or not, Vera can be quite the romantic she wants to be. She planned a romantic dinner for the two of you just to set it up but choked.

- Luckily, you're good at reading moods, especially when it comes to Vera.


Vera had expensive tastes, and thanks to her growing enterprise, she had the money to fuel it. She bought only the finest jewelry, clothes and shoes. When it came to getting dinner, she didn't want to settle for anything less than the best, most expensive restaurant in town. When she suggested this for a date, ______ was surprised when Vera proclaimed that she was going to pay for every penny.

When the night came, Vera got in her best dress, and ______ dressed to match her. The two of them walked in, arm in arm, and took a seat at a table next to the window. There were hanging candles to keep it warm, a live band playing, and everything looked perfect. "I can't imagine how much this is costing you," ______ said, eyes still wandering around.

"Don't worry about it. One of the other crime bosses own the place, so I'm getting a good deal in exchange for not taking control of his assets. It's working out perfectly for the both of us," Vera smiled, a devilish look in her eye. ______ adored that expression on her face.

"That sounds just like you," ______ commented, and the waiter crossed the room to take their order.

For nearly an hour while they waited for their food, Vera drank different types of wine that they offered, loosening up as ______ drank along with her. By the time their food got there, Vera was slightly tipsy. She ate faster than she usually would, sitting there silently and keeping her eyes on ______ while she searched for what she wanted to say. "_______, I trust you had a good time tonight?" she finally asked while they were near the end of their meal.

"Of course," ______ smiled, making eye contact with her. "I always have a great time with you Vera, with or without a nice dinner. Though, it certainly didn't hurt."

Vera smiled, looking away for a moment. "______, I..." she started, but trailed off. She wanted to say the words, she was ready to say them, but a part of her was afraid. Afraid, for a brief moment, of being vulnerable.

Luckily, ______ knew Vera well enough to know what she was about to say. Vera wouldn't go out of her way to make a night this special for nothing. "I love you, Vera," they proclaimed, reaching a hand out and taking Vera's from across the table. "Thank you for planning tonight. This was perfect."

Vera's eyes widened before a smile went across her face. "I love you too, ______. Now, what do you say we get out of here and go somewhere a little more... personal?"

______ smiled and pushed their utensils to the edge after piling them up. "I thought you'd never ask."

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