[Relationship Origins] Scott Howl

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- He's a big softie, and a huge fan of cuddling

- The second you asked him to go to prom with you, he accepted you as an honorary member of the Wolfpack

- He was on your arm all Prom night, and it was hard not to be official by the end of the night.

- Scott takes being a boyfriend very seriously, and he's extremely affectionate almost all the time.

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Gym was Scott's time to shine, but ______ was less-than-great at dodgeball. Despite Coach being non-stop supportive of ______ getting out onto the court and participating, they wanted to stay on the sidelines today. Scott was hoping that today of all days they would join him and the rest of the Wolfpack on the court, and he was sad to see them sticking to the side. During a water break, Scott went up to them, a ball of energy as always. "Come on, ______! You should join in!" he told them excitedly.

______ shrugged. "I'm not really in the mood for dodgeball, Scott."

"Not in the mood? Would some cheerleading help?" he asked, already mentally preparing a cheer in his head to list ______'s spirit.

"No, that's alright!" they told him with a smile. "I'm just no good at dodgeball, so I told Coach I hurt my tibia and now he's letting me sit on the sidelines."

"What's a tibia?"

"That's the same thing Coach asked. The less you both know, the more I can pass it off," ______ joked. Scott began to look disappointed, and that's when guilt set in. Scott had been nothing but kind and supportive of everything _______ wanted to do since Prom night, but right now, they couldn't return the feeling. That's when an idea popped into her head. "How about I cheer you on from the sidelines, Scott?"

He perked up. "That would be so great! I bet you're the best cheerleader we'll ever have! I'll cheer you on for that!" he began excitedly. "One Two Three Four, ______'s cheers aren't a bore! Five Six Seven Eight, that's who I appreciate!"

______ couldn't help but laugh as Scott burst out into clapping and shouting. It started to make them eel better about being stuck in gym class. "Go Scott! Throw that ball! Catch that ball and get them out!" they joined in, being less experience in sudden rhymes than Scott. He seemed to appreciate it nonetheless and went back onto the court.

With ______ cheering Scott and the rest of his team on relentlessly, Scott was even happier than usual when they were pulling ahead of the other team. Once the last person on the other team was out, ______ cheered happily, yelling, "Yes, you got it!"

Scott ran over and picked them up, spinning ______ around with the happiest expression they had ever seen on his face. "You're the best cheerleader I've ever had!" he exclaimed happily, then putting them back on the bleachers and kissing them. That's when they both heard mutters of 'I knew it!' and 'Wow, they're cute together!' Scott didn't pay any attention; all of his focus was on ______. "How's your tibia feeling?"

They laughed. "It's feeling much better, I think I'm okay now. All I needed to get better was to see you happy," ______ leaned in, kissing him again.

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