[Jealousy] Vera Oberlin

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-          Vera doesn't get jealous often, so when she does, it's easy (and kind of fun) to poke fun at.

-          She's usually good at hiding her jealousy, but you can still detect it.

-          She's quick to show you who's the boss, in the most loving (and hot) way possible.


Business dinners with other mob bosses were never boring. Vera was easily one of the youngest there, and easily the most intelligent. Once she got into the game, there was nowhere her reach didn't stretch. However, she was still underestimated, and shown very basic disrespect. After the series of assassinations after the last dinner, she thought she took care of that, but she was wrong. This time Larry, one of the mob bosses, was adamant about getting under her scales.

You see, Larry had many suspicions that Vera was behind the assassinations of mob bosses (which, of course she was, but everyone had chosen not to address it). Vera was collecting power by ruling the jurisdictions they left behind, and Larry had enough of it, but he wasn't ready to die. He wasn't going to confront her, he was a coward, but he was going to get under her skin by trying to get his way with her most trusted advisor. It didn't end well with him.

What started with flirting, which Vera deterred and ______ laughed off nervously, became him trying to seduce them, even offering them a glass of wine that Vera didn't trust from the moment she saw it. When ______ took the glass, Vera slapped it out of their hands and splashed it all over Larry, making a hush fall over their section of the table. "We're leaving," Vera announced, taking ______'s hand and leading them out of the restaurant.

______ didn't understand at first. Vera was the one who wanted to come to this dinner in the first place, and now she was leaving early? She didn't even try giving an excuse back there, she just pulled them out, which was uncharacteristic. Even though Vera hated every single one of them, she still played nice and suffered the monthly dinner. "Hey, what's going on?" ______ asked as soon as they got outside, and Vera was ordering their limo to come back around.

"I was growing sick of seafood," Vera lied quickly, not looking up from her phone while seeing how long it was going to take the limo to arrive. It was going to be a few minutes, and Vera groaned, but she was willing to wait for luxury.

_______ took a step closer to Vera, examining her face. Vera suddenly looked slightly nervous, even breaking a sweat. ______ smiled, they knew what was going on. "You didn't like the way he was flirting with me, right?"

"I don't like the way men flirt in general," Vera retorted. "The male gaze is one of the most dehumanizing looks of them all, and I'm the one who can dehumanize anyone with just a look."

"You were jealous," ______ started to tease, bumping against Vera. "You're practically green with envy."

"That joke wasn't funny," Vera blushed, looking away. "Besides, this is a double standard! If I get jealousy, you tease me and insinuate it's cute and it's fine, but when guys get jealousy it's controlling. I mean, look at the facts, my sex gives me a pass to act however I want when it comes to this relationship."

"That sounds like an admission to me," ______ continued their teasing, then took Vera's hand and kissed it. "Come on V, you know that I'd never leave you for anyone, least of all Larry. He runs his business like a game tycoon and he's mediocre on a good day. You're stunning all the time. Now, on the other hand..."

Before ______ could finish their sentence, the limo had arrived, and Vera was glad it was early. When the door was opened for them, Vera cut ______ off with a kiss and nudged them into the limo. "I know that I'm the best you'll ever get, because I'm the best around," Vera whispered in their ear, running her hand under their clothes and rubbing their shoulders. Then she gave them a tight squeeze and hushed ______ with another kiss. "Don't think I didn't notice you flirted back just a little. I'll show you who's really in command here."

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