[Jealousy] Miranda Vanderbilt

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Miranda Vanderbilt

-          Miranda claims that she doesn't get jealous, but she definitely does.

-          She gets pouty and then murderous.

-          She continues to pout throughout the day, even after you assure her, and it's easy to tease her about it.


When Miranda first brought ______ with her down to the merkingdom to visit, she got accustomed to stares. Snobby nobles who didn't think that the royal family should stray from tradition and that don't think that Miranda should 'date,' she should wait for some random suitor to come along. Miranda wasn't bothered by it, and soon enough, it started to not phase ______ anymore either.

However, Miranda felt like this kind of stare was different.

To celebrate Miranda's brief visit, her family threw a dinner party, which was a bunch of royals and nobles gathered in one room, most of them not eating the food that they demanded the serfs prepare the entire day. Since Miranda didn't eat, she instead spent the dinner showing different kinds of cutlery to ______ while they ate variations of different fish food. Miranda had just moved to knives when she spotted them out of the corner of her eye. A noble around their age who was here with her family, captivated just by watching ______ eat food.

Miranda hated it. She even stopped midsentence and looked back at them, which prompted ______ to look back at the girl too, who started blushing and looking away. "What was that about?" ______ asked, looking back to Miranda.

"I'm sure it was nothing," Miranda said, a smile on her face but her words full of venom. Before she could move back onto the topic, the girl started switching seats until she was sitting across from them. Miranda sighed, gripping the current knife she had in her hands a little harder. "Can we help you?" she asked, looking over at the girl with a glare.

Despite Miranda's tone and the glare on her face, the girl didn't loose courage, smiling at ______. "I haven't seen you around here before. My name is Adore! Do you go to the same special boarding school as Princess Miranda?" she started, asking the question with a happy disposition.

"Oh, uh, yes," ______ responded, kind of nervous. They had only been down to the merkingdom a few times with Miranda, and so meeting her subjects was still slightly nerve-racking. Miranda's hand was starting to change color with how hard she was gripping the knife. Seeing someone else start to flirt while ______ was oblivious was painful. She knew ______ had to be oblivious, they always had been when it came to someone having feelings for them.

"That's so cool! I've been wanting to go there, so I've been considering it more and more," Adore took one of the napkins and ripped it, taking a bit of squid ink from the person next to her and using her long nails as a pen to write her number. "You should call me and show me around sometime."

"Oh, sure," ______ said quietly, beginning to reach out when something else happened.

Miranda, without giving anything a second thought, grabbed the fish knife and drove it through Adore's hand, pinning it to the table. The girl let out a scream and started trying to pull it out, but Miranda drove it deep into the table. "I'm afraid ______ will be busy that day hanging out with their girlfriend, me. Find someone else to escort you, sweetie."

Miranda ripped the knife out and Adore ran away crying, probably trying to find some bandages. Miranda simply wiped off the knife with a smile and turned to ______. "This is the fish knife. If you simply must stab someone at the dinner table, it's customary to use this knife."

______ was shocked about what they just saw unfold, and more shocked that none of Miranda's relatives or close family friends seemed to notice or care. This was an average Vanderbilt dinner to them. "Are you sure you shouldn't rename it the jealousy knife?" ______ asked. "That's what it was just used for."

"I was not jealous!" Miranda defended. "I simply cannot stand girls who flirt across the dinner table. It's distasteful!"

"I'm sure," ______ told her, teasing her and grabbing the knife. There was still a little blood on it from Adore's hand. "You know, this one might be my favorite knife so far."

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