[Winter Holiday] All Characters

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AN: Please be sure to read the part after this one, as it contains a lot of crucial information about this story!

Anyways, I wanted to do a small part (like the Halloween chapter) where I headcanon what everyone was doing during the winter holidays! As this year comes to a close, I hope you guys party it up in the new year! 2020 here I come.


Miranda Vanderbilt

Miranda took you home to spend the holidays in the merkingdom with her! There was no end to generosity with her gifts, and her parents even gave you money so you could afford to buy anything Miranda could ask of you. Once you got the money and you asked Miranda what she wanted for Christmas, she told you all she wanted was to spend it with you.

Damien LaVey

A holiday in Hell with the LaVey family wasn't what you expected it to be, but it was amazing all the same. You and Damien made smores over the hellfire, partied into the new year, and you got to know some really cool demons! You didn't picture Hell being like this. Damien entered the New Year by kissing you passionately, and to make sure he didn't miss the mark, he made out with you for an hour leading up to midnight.

Scott Howl

Even though you warned Scott that he probably couldn't drink hot chocolate since it may be poisonous for him, he downed more mugs of it with you than either of you could count. Lucky for both of you, turns out he was immune to it. So, you guys made up all the flavors you could think of: white chocolate, peppermint, raspberry, hazelnut, caramel. The possibilities were as endless as your appetites.

Liam de Lioncourt

Even though celebrating Christmas is totally mainstream, Liam couldn't help but try to make you as happy as possible on the day. He got you an ugly Christmas sweater, made you hot chocolate and even decorated his place. On the morning of, you woke up to him making you eggnog from scratch. The entire time, Liam still found a way to act sincerely above it all. It was obvious he cared about how much you were enjoying yourself, though.

Calculester Hewlett-Packard

Calculester celebrated Christmas to it's full capacity since this was his very first one! You helped him pick out a live tree (he took care of it and watered it all month), hung ornaments, wrapped presents even though he knew what was in there (he could easily see your Amazon history), strung lights outside the house, and even made a snowman! It was the best Christmas of both of your lives.

Vera Oberlin

Vera usually spent December ruling the online market with an iron grip, but this year, she decided to take time off to spend with you. She went sledding with you, treated you to all of the hot drinks you could possibly desire, and even got you a brand-new scarf! It was one of the best months out of the year, but the month that took first place was the one that you met her in the first place.

Polly Geist

Polly took the two of you to an amazing New Years party! Polly would kick anyone out who insisted on acting like a Grinch, and she made more wine than she ever had before (even though you knew it was toilet wine, you had a few sips). When midnight drew near, Polly pulled you into her own room and made sure the moment was private and sweet.


Zoe wasn't a huge fan of the snow, and neither were you, so you spent most of the holiday indoors. It wasn't horrible, cabin fever didn't even occur to either of you! You would order food or go out, watch anime, you'd read Zoe's fanfictions while she worked on her own projects, and nights were spent getting warm under the blankets together. Who said the holiday needed to be celebrated on a large scale to be fun?

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