[I Love You] Miranda Vanderbilt

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-          Miranda was the first to say it, surprisingly. She was so happy; she didn't think twice about it.

-          You felt the same way, so of course you said it back.

-          Miranda tends to go on mini-rants when she's passionate about something, and when you said it back, she felt the need to go into more depth.

-          She sees no reason why she should have to hide her feelings. She's never been one to hold back her opinions.


Dates were always extravagant with Miranda. Since money was no object, ______ and Miranda ended up going anywhere they wanted, the only limit being their imaginations. ______ was the one who picked the location tonight, and they decided to go for something simple: the fair. It was going to be Miranda's first time attending one.

The night was filled with different events. Miranda bought enough tickets to ride every single ride over five times, and ______ knew they were going to end up having spare tickets by the end of the night. Miranda was excited to go on everything, and the daylight soon left, stars filling the sky. Neither of them really cared, no one paying attention to the time.

The last thing ______ wanted to ride was the Ferris Wheel. They had a feeling that it was going to be an even better sight at night, so they had spent some parts of the day steering Miranda away from it by winning her prize after prize and going on Miranda's favorite ride repeatedly: the spinning teacups. As the night went on the crowds started to disappear, and ______ saw their opportunity to go on the ride.

______ took Miranda by the hand and headed over, Miranda excitedly getting into the seats. "______, is this safe?" she asked, rocking back and forward.

______ shook their head. "Probably not the best idea, Miri," they told her, a smile on their face. They turned to the ride operator and handed them a twenty-dollar bill. "Would you mind stalling us at the top for a while? I want to look out at the stars and the city lights with my girlfriend. I'd really appreciate it."

No one was immune to a bribe, and the monster took the bill with glee. "Enjoy your ride!" they called out after ______ got on next to Miranda, putting an arm around her. Soon enough, they started crawling their way up to the top.

Miranda shivered slightly. "I guess I should've brought a jacket," she muttered, looking into the distance. "I had no idea it was going to be this cold tonight."

"Here," ______ started to take off their own jacket, putting it around her. "Take mine, I don't mind being a little cold."

Miranda smiled and leaned over, kissing them on the cheek. "Thank you, cutie," she told them, resting her head on their shoulder. Suddenly, they stopped at the top, and the view made the bribe worth it. With the stars and the city lights combined, there was something oddly beautiful about looking down at the busy city. Miranda extended her arm and pointed. "Look, I can see our school from up here!"

______ squinted, seeing the top of Spooky High. "I guess you can," ______ stated, looking over at Miranda. "I had a great time today, Miri. I hope you did too."

"I always have a great time when I'm with you," Miranda told them nonchalantly, looking over and locking eyes. Her big blue eyes were easy to get lost in. "I love you, ______."

_____'s eyes widened, and even without their jacket, it felt like the temperature had just raised. They smiled back at her, reaching over a hand and placing it on her cheek. "I love you too, Miranda."

Miranda then realized what she let slip, her expression changing to one of shock before her cheeks started to change color. "I really mean it, ______. I know I'm supposed to be courted by a prince or some other royal deity, but... I don't want to wait around for a prince. I want to be with you, and I can't imagine being with anyone else, even if it was just for their status. It's hard as a royal to get the love life you want, but I want to try with you, no matter what, because I love you."

______ patted the top of Miranda's head. "It doesn't matter if you're a princess or just a regular high-school girl. I love you, and I'm going to stay by your side. Even if it means having to step aside when you need an official wedding, if that will make you happy."

"You make me happy," Miranda stated, leaning over and kissing ______ softly. The night may have been cold, but they were warm in each other's arms.

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