[Being Shy] Zoe

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-          As shown in Relationship Origins, she was shy at first showing you the fanfic she wrote about the two of you.

-          After that she's been more open with what she writes... but not always open with what she draws.

-          The two of you are hanging out at her place and you're looking through her sketchbook when you stumble upon a particularly special image of the two of you.

-          Zoe's still not used to sharing her feels with others, but she's adorable when she's figuring it out.


The eldritch deity's dorm room looked like a chaotic disaster. Fandom related hoodies, shirts and even dresses were scattered along the floor, chairs and closet. It looks like a tornado had come through her room, papers and books strewn around. Zoe had warned ______ about the mess before she brought them over, however, so the mess didn't bother them.

The bed, thankfully, was clear. They didn't have any plans in mind, Zoe just wanted to hang out. She pictured the two of them hanging out, talking, bonding. Zoe was still new to the whole 'relationship' thing, but she wanted to get everything right. She felt it was important to get everything right, ______ deserved it.

______ plopped onto the bed and watched as Zoe sat on the chair buried in hoodies. "Do you like movies, ______?" she asked suddenly, turned her attention to the TV on the wall. It was surrounded by posters and drawings. "We can watch a movie, or an anime, or anything you want. I didn't really prepare, I guess."

"It's okay. I don't really want to watch anything..." their eyes travelled around the room.

Zoe sighed. "If the mess is bothering you, I can clean up a little bit. I was planning on cleaning up today, but I decided I'd rather hang out with you, and I didn't imagine you'd find me cleaning up my room very interesting."

"Your room isn't bothering me, but the papers... are. Your drawings are really good Zoe, you've got such a creative mind," ______ smiled at her.

Zoe smiled, looking away for a moment. "It's nothing, really. I probably ate the mind of a poet at one point, I guess. Some really artsy people really lost it, and I never really paid attention to whose mind I ate, so it's very possible. Do you want to... look at my art?"

______ smiled. "I'd really like to, only if you don't mind."

Zoe shrugged. "I mostly keep drawings scattered around, so when I pick up, I can hand them to you. At least that way you're not that bored while I tidy up around here."

Zoe started on papers, handing them one by one to ______. They got a front-row seat to all the drawings Zoe had been working on: from original characters to some of their own classmates. From cuddling situations to kinks, ______ thought she had seen it all. That's when she spotted a red sketchbook at the foot of Zoe's bed. They looked over at Zoe, who was preoccupied with hanging up clothes. They carefully picked up the sketchbook and started flipping through it.

Zoe used a lot more detail in these drawings. It was a completely different style, mostly drawn with her OCs, and then ______'s eyes widened as they let out an audible gasp when they got to a very graphic image of Zoe and ______. Not as kinky as some of Zoe's other work, but the details were astounding. ______ thought Zoe must have seen them naked before, or at least, she had a very good eye. The gasp caught Zoe's attention, and she ran across the room. "No, wait!" she grabbed the sketchbook, slamming it shut. Her face was a completely darker purple than usual. "You... weren't supposed to see that."

There was a moment of silence. "That's... a very detailed drawing. It's very good."

"That was supposed to private!" Zoe told ______. She didn't sound mad, if anything, she just sounded shocked that ______ had actually found it. "I... got a little carried away and a little bored."

"It's amazing, Zoe," ______ told her. "A little too detailed, but amazing. Are you sure you've never seen me naked?"

"No!" Zoe's face got darker, and ______ laughed. They thought the entire situation was amusing, and very Zoe. Zoe started to loosen up after a moment. "First you find my fan-fic notebook of us, now you're finding my drawings... you're very nosey, ______."

"This is coming from the deity who literally stalks her classmates in order to make accurate fan-fiction."

Zoe shrugged and giggled a little bit, it was adorable. "Okay, fair. Are you sure you're not creeped out? I'm pretty sure most of our classmates would kill me if they found something like that. Damien almost did lose it on me once, and the drawing I made wasn't even that steamy!"

______ laughed and put an arm around Zoe. "Nothing you could do will creep me out, unless one day I actually find you in my closet drawing a picture of me in my sleep. Then we'd have to talk about boundaries."

"There go my weekend plans. Thanks, ______."

______ laughed, hoping she wasn't serious. They hopped off the bed, looking back at Zoe. "Come on, I'll help you finish up. Then we can watch whatever you want."

"Really?" Zoe hopped up happily. "I have an anime in mind I think you'll really like!" she started putting away clothes at record speed. ______ couldn't help but think that despite all the qualities Zoe had that their classmates thought were a tad uncouth, ______ couldn't adore her more.

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