[Being Shy] Scott Howl

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-          Listen. Scott knows he's not the smartest. It's usually not a big deal. Who cares?

-          The only time it's important is when he's failing to understand something in class or something important.

-          Even then, most people don't care. He's not mean about it, he's stupid sweet and you especially don't mind spending extra time.

-          Scott, however, gets embarrassed and shy about it when he's made to feel like an idiot because of it. This is usually the result of any conversation with Leonard.


Scott and _______ had been lucky enough to find an empty table at lunch, and they thought they lucked out until Leonard sat with them. Leonard was loathed by almost everyone at Spooky High except for Scott. He couldn't really bring himself to hate anyone, so even though Leonard usually made him feel horrible, he didn't want to be rude to him. ______, on the other hand, hated Leonard. They didn't want to kick him off right away since Scott wouldn't agree with it, so instead, they just glared over at him and turned to Scott, talking just as usual.

It wasn't until a conversation about Scott's favorite game, Pocket Humans, came up that Leonard started butting into the conversation. Scott was talking about his new favorite Pocket Human, Amanda Lee, when Leonard decided to add his input. "Dude, you like Amanda Lee?" Leonard started, his tone making his intention clear. "She's easily the worst character in the entire game!"

"She's not!" Scott defended himself. "I think she's really cool! I've collected a few versions of her. Her books are really good, and if I collect a few more of her, then I'll be able to upgrade so she starts making music!"

Leonard laughed. "You don't understand Scott," he started. "She writes about nothing but feminist ideals and stupid justice ideas. She's just some man-hating scatterbrain, and he upgrades suck!"

Scott tilted his head. "I thought her books were about equality?"

"Oh, Scott, you're such an airhead," Leonard sneered. "You don't even know how to properly play Pocket Humans, and you've been playing for how long now?"

Scott didn't usually have a problem talking to people, especially not about his games. He was excellent at going on and on about why he likes a game, but it almost never had anything to do with actual stats or features. Leonard was all about that, and Scott knew it, which is why he was always at a loss defending himself. This was one of the few times where Scott actually felt stupid and he hated his brain for it. That's when ______ got fed up with staying silent and spoke up for him. "Just go away, Leonard," ______ told him, reaching out to Scott and patting him on the back. "You're not even saying anything important or smart, you're just being a jerk about a character you hate simply because of her features. What, like I'm supposed to believe you don't know that Amanda's final form has one of the highest persuasion stats in the whole game? She's a great character, you're just a bigot."

Leonard scrunched up his face. "That's just the devs trying to appeal to a bunch of tumblr-ina SJWs. The real fans know that she's the most useless character in all the games!"

"You keep telling yourself that, Leonard. Maybe one day you'll believe it."

Leonard just let out an agitated huff and walked away. ______ turned back to Scott, their expression doing a complete 180. "Hey, you okay?"

Scott looked away, it was clear that the entire situation had caught him off guard and flustered him. "______... do you think I'm too stupid?"

______ shook their head. "Of course not, Scott. I adore you for who you are, and it doesn't matter if you're not as smart as Liam or Leonard. You have something that they don't, something important."

Scott looked up. "What's that?"

"You have me." ______ smiled, hugging him tightly.

Scott laughed and hugged them tightly back, trapping them in an unbelievably tight bear-hug. It was one of his best features: he was just so damn huggable. ______ spent the rest of lunch trapped in his arms while he left kisses all over her face.

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