[Being Shy] Damien LaVey

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- Damien doesn't get shy very often, mostly because the second he gets embarrassed by something, he tires to overcome it instantly with anger.

- However, he nearly never gets angry with you, so you're just about the only person able to get him shy.

- He won't admit it, especially not to you, but sometimes he lacks the boldness to ask you to do couple things.

- Punch a sun in the face? He'll do that any day. Ask you on a romantic date? He doesn't even know where to begin.


______'s weekends usually involved the latest stupid scheme that _______ and Damien could come up with. They've set shit on fire, they're robbed banks, taken trips to Hell. ______ even had met Damien's dads, who were super cool about the two of you dating. They were some of the coolest dads ever, and that made it easier to take frequent trips to Hell with Damien to hang out.

However, Damien wanted more. Hanging out with you at his house was nice and all, but he wanted to try his hand at something new: a romantic date. He hadn't even considered it until Vera was asking what kind of dates Damien even took ______ on for an idea she was trying to build, and that's when he realized it: he hadn't taken them out on any dates.

Well, that had to change. The difficulty was Damien didn't even know where to start. Where were they supposed to go? A restaurant? A club? Someone else? Where did people usually go out on dates? What kind of dates would ______ enjoy anyways? It started to stress him out. Even ______ could tell later that day that something was seriously wrong with Damien. He was being quiet, which was new. After sitting through an awkwardly quiet lunch, ______ gave up and decided to ask. "Damien, is there something on your mind, or am I just boring you?"

Damien looked shocked at first. "No, you're not boring me!" he assured them. "It's nothing important," he lied. He wanted to surprise them and asking them where they'd want to go out on a date was not very surprising.

______, however, was not buying it. "Are you sure?" they asked, taking a step closer. "If somethings wrong, you know you can tell me. It's not a crime to have feelings. Though maybe it should be, that way you'd actually express them."

Damien laughed. "Touché, ______. Don't even worry about it, I got some shit I have to figure out, but it'll be alright."

______ sat back, studying Damien's face. "Does it have something to do with us?"

Damien was horrible at lying to _______. His face tinted and he looked surprised. "No, of course not!" he tried, reassuringly, but it wasn't working, and he knew it. "I mean, yes, but it's nothing bad, it's just..."

"Just?" ______ asked, scooting closer to Damien. They were going to get that information out of him one way or another. They put an arm around Damien and leaned on him. "Tell me? Please? Tell me?"

Damien's face got hotter and he sighed. "I'm trying to think of some good date ideas, but I have no clue where to start. We always go out on weekends, and I want to do that this weekend, but I want to switch things up and take you out on a date."

_______ was the one who was surprised this time, pleasantly surprised. "Wait, you want to go out on an actual date? Like to a restaurant? Where we don't commit a crime in the process?" They barraged him with questions, and Damien just nodded to each one. "Well, there's plenty of places we can go, but I have an idea."

"What is it?" Damien asked, desperate for any idea at all. Maybe if he spent more time at the auditorium, he'd have more creativity to think of ideas of his own, but he was too busy getting detention and committing arson to consistently go to the auditorium.

"Hm... I'll tell you, if you admit that you're a spicy red baby." ______ teased him.

Damien looked away, the blush on his face not dying down. "I'm a spicy red adult, and we both know it, but if it'll get you to tell me..." he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning back to ______ and locking eyes with them. "I'm a spicy red baby and I need help with date ideas."

______ just laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "That's the spirit. Now, there's this amazing restaurant that just so happens to be next to an abandoned warehouse. How about we go on a fate and end the night with a little fire."

Damien's smile soon covered his entire face, and _______ recognized the look in his eyes as something sinister. They loved it. "This is exactly why we're dating. You get me. Now, lets go get the best fucking dinner of our lives."

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