[Halloween Costumes] All Characters

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AN: Before I get started with the requests, I wanted to do a small part with my headcanons for what everyone's Halloween costumes would be! Instead of trying to crank out eight different parts in the next two weeks, I decided to do small parts for each in this chapter (:

I hope you guys enjoy, and know that I'm going to be slowly making my way through situation requests, and I'm still free to add more! Just comment here or on the other request chapter!


Miranda Vanderbilt

Miranda wanted to dress up as a princess, even though she already is one every single day. However, you didn't want to be the one to tell her no. So, she dressed up at Ariel and you dressed up as Eric. It made her happy to see you making an effort just for her, because although she knew you didn't like the idea, you did it anyways.

Damien LaVey

You both decided to dress up as Baywatch lifeguards, mostly as an excuse to see Damien shirtless. He didn't know much about the movie until you proposed the costumes, and when he looked it up, he knew your intentions. He didn't care though, he wore a Baywatch costume with pride, no matter now cold it got. It never gets too cold with Damien in the room.

Scott Howl

Scott wanted to dress up as a Pocket Humans (PokeMan) trainer. When you explained to him that this costume wouldn't make sense unless he had a PokeMan with him, he begged you to dress up as his PokeMan, and it was hard to say no when he was giving you puppy eyes. You gave in, and Scott couldn't be happier about how things turned out.

Liam de Lioncourt

Liam thinks that participating in Halloween is too cliche, and he won't even take part in it ironically. He'd rather spend the day celebrating Samhain, the old Celtic tradition for Halloween. He celebrates with what is called 'Feast of The Dead,' in which Liam sets up a meal and invites the spirits to dine with him. You join him as well this year, and between the cooking, dining and Liam making condescending comments about Halloween, you'd say it was a success.

Calculester Hewlett-Packard

Calculester may not understand why organic beings celebrate Halloween so hard, but oh boy, does he like to be a part of it! He decided to dress up as Gomez from The Addams Family, and you were by his side as Morticia. The two of you made the ultimate goth couple pairing.

Vera Oberlin

Vera wanted to do a 'role reverse' with you, so she dressed up as a classic 20s flapper and got you an Al Capone costume. You thought you looked ridiculous, and you couldn't quite get the New York accent down, but it was worth it to see Vera laughing (at you and with you) throughout the night. She looked so happy, and she was cute as hell in her flapper outfit.

Polly Geist

Polly wanted to dress up as a 'sexy' Dick Grayson, with you as the Batman to her Robin. The costumes she picked, however, seemed a bit revealing for a man who was trying to blend into the night. When you pointed this out, she simply laughed and told you that was the way it was supposed to be before dragging you to the biggest party she could find. After a few drinks, you forgot all about why you didn't like the costumes.


Zoe wanted to do a true role-reverse, so she dressed up as you, and you dressed up as her! She helped you make a few DIY tentacles and drew extra mouths and eyes all around your body, and she raided your closet to be as authentic as possible. You ended up putting more time into making the costumes look authentic than you did spending time outside in them for people to see, but that was okay. You had fun making the costumes with her, and quality time with Zoe was the best Halloween night you could've asked for.

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