[Jealousy] Damien LaVey

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-          Damien would claim he doesn't get jealous, but that's bullshit.

-          He doesn't usually get jealous, but when he does, it's obvious.

-          You can tell he's getting jealous when he's easily irritable.


Damien, as it is, already has a short attention span when it comes to trying to study. Unless the subject hooks Damien in, it can be hopeless to get him to buck down and pay attention. However, with finals coming up and his dads wanting him to try a little harder, he saw no choice but to try and ger serious about school. ______ promised they'd help, so everyday for a few hours after school, they'd head to the library and get to work on a certain subject.

However, today, he just couldn't seem to bring himself to care about The History of Monsters. He was too distracted with ______. More specifically, their phone. He didn't know how they did it, but they were razor focused as their phone went off with message after message, all from the same guy: some guy named Floyd. He sent ______ message after message.

Floyd Padovan: Hey ______! Just texting you to make sure you didn't give me a fake number, hah.

Floyd Padovan: This is the handsome fae from Intro to Haunting class, btw ;-)

Floyd Padovan: JK – my looks have nothing on you, honey.

Floyd Padovan: Jokes aside, text me back when you can so I can officially add you into my contacts.

Floyd Padovan: Hello? ______? I'm starting to think that maybe you did give me a dud number.

Damien was about to set their phone on fire. Why was ______ taking an intro class anyways? They've been here for at least two years! Who the fuck texts like this? One message is enough. In fact, from this guy, one message was more than enough. While fucking Floyd blew up _______'s phone, they were meticulously making their way through the worksheet. Damien was amazed how little they cared about responding. Finally, he couldn't take it. "______, some guy named Floyd is not leaving you alone."

______ looked over, read the message previews, and shrugged. "He'll get bored and leave me alone. He's just some dumb freshman in the intro class I'm aiding for extra credit," they turned back to their worksheet, focused again.

Damn, that's cold-hearted, Damien thought, a smile on his face. He loved it. However, this guys shameless flirting and keen interest in ______ brought up an itch in Damien. Whoever this guy was needed to calm down, back off, and learn that one text is enough to send a fucking message. Damien looked over at ______, razor focused, and casually grabbed their phone. They didn't even notice.

Damien opened their phone (he figured out the passcode a month ago when ______ was too lazy to get their phone from across the room and order a pizza) and opened the camera. He gave his best shit-eating grin while trying to look as intimidating as possible. He opened the conversation to Floyd.

_______: ­[img 236_04]

_______: You have the right number. ______ is busy right now, but this is her boyfriend. Want to talk?

It wasn't even a minute later when Floyd responded.

Floyd Padovan: Sorry dude.

Damien laughed, catching _______'s attention. They finally noticed their phone missing. "What's so funny?" they asked.

Damien just flipped the phone and kept laughing. "I guess he didn't want to talk to me."

______ focused on the screen. "Damien!" they exclaimed, facepalming as Damien's laughter just got louder. They didn't have time to get mad, though, because his laughter was too contagious. Soon enough, they were both laughing. "I swear, though, if you do this again, I will stop committing arson with you for a whole month."

Worth it, Damien thought, finally being able to focus on his homework again.

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