[Relationship Origins] Liam de Lioncourt

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-          Liam didn't want to ask you out because that would be outdated and cliché. "Too predictable, but not enough to be ironic."

-          At least, that's what he told himself instead of just admitting that he was too much of a coward to ask you out.

-          Miranda had enough of it: if she made Liam Prom King, she sure as hell can get him to date you.

-          You had kept thinking of non-cliché ways to ask him out when Miranda took the reigns.

~ ~ ~

There were two inevitabilities about drama class: the guarantee of feeling creative, and that Miranda would demand to play the princess in every given production. The entire class was used to it, even to the point that the teacher got tired of 'casting' the production and gave everyone the same basic roles each and every time. For instance, Liam was an aristocrat, Miranda was a princess, Vera was an assassin, and everyone else's role was always consistent. Miranda loved being the damsel (and sometimes she's even insist on being the damoiseau in distress if the role called for a male counterpart), and she always got her way.

That's why when ______ came into class one day and saw their name on the role sheet for the day as 'Distress,' they immediately were confused and worried. Liam was behind them, looking at the list. "What does 'distress' even entail?" ______ asked aloud. "Am I just supposed to portray the concept of distress?"

"At least you have an interesting role," Liam complained. "You get to be the concept of distress, and I'm just... 'the Hero?' The Hero! That's outdated. Who approved of this?"

"I did!" a cheery voice rang out through the classroom, and everyone turned to Miranda. "I wrote out a short story, and today I get to be the director!" ______ looked towards the teacher, who seemed too tired and done with this impossible student body to object to Miranda's idea.

"Why are there only... four roles?" Liam asked. The cast consisted of Scott as 'a Tree,' Liam as 'the Hero,' ______ as 'Distress,' Damien as 'the Villain,' and Miranda as... the narrator? "Doesn't that seem a little low? We have a lot more people in this class than four."

"Everyone else will be playing the audience today," Miranda smiled. "If anyone says so much as a complaint, then they get to play 'The Student in The Iron Maiden!' It's a lovely role that I have yet to fill," she looked around the room, and a shudder went down some people's spines. When Miranda was serious about something, she was merciless.

Soon, they were all on the stage. Miranda narrated a truly cliché story: ______ was the unwilling victim of Damien, the villain who had control over ______'s fate as they signed a deal with him many years ago. The whole thing felt a little like Hercules, but when Juan the Small Magical Latino Cat pointed that out, he got met with the Iron Maiden. She did warn him. Near the end, there was a big difference in the scene: Damien was holding ______ over the 'Sea of Souls' (aka, dangling them over the stage) and it was Liam's job to get Damien to hand them back safely. Miranda was narrating happily during this part. "Now, the Hero knew that the Villain had one weak spot and one weak spot alone... confessions! The Villain hated it when two people told each other their true feelings! So, the Hero knew what he had to do... and Liam confessed his feelings for ______!"

Liam broke character, looking at Miranda. "Don't you mean 'The Hero' confesses his feelings for 'Distress?' I mean, it would be strange to..."

"Did I stutter?" Miranda asked, the homicidal glint in her eye back again. "Now, Liam, confess now, or Damien gets to actually drop ______ off the stage."

"Hell yeah, really?" Damien asked, looking over at ______. "It's nothing personal, I just rarely get permission to do this kind of shit. So, if Liam doesn't, I really will take up that offer."

______ looked over at Liam. Liam's face was tinted a bright pink, and ______ wasn't sure if it was the stage lights or Liam. Ever since they went to Prom together, ______ had developed feelings for him, but they had been too worried to say anything about it yet. They had been planning to say something, but now there was this awkward position. "Don't worry Liam, it's just acting," ______ tried reassuring him. They had convinced themselves that Liam didn't feel the same.

Liam put down the cheesy fake sword that he was holding. "This isn't acting, ______. This is Miranda interfering with a good thing, but I guess right now is as good as any time to tell you..." he took a deep breath. "I find you less annoying than all of our other classmates. I unironically adore spending time with you, even if it's just us going through filters for hours and getting nowhere. I adore discussing art with you, and... I'd really like to see it become more, if you know what I mean. Don't make me say it, I'm already drowning in clichés. A confession on stage? I'm dying."

Damien looked from Liam to ______, just smiling smugly and throwing them towards Liam. Liam caught ______ in his arms, and they smiled at him. "Do you really mean that?"

Liam leaned forward and kissed them, prompting clapping from their audience, but the most noticeable cheer came from Miranda. "Yes, I do, and I also meant it when I said I'm drowning in clichés, but maybe it isn't too bad," Liam took their hand and put them behind him, picking up his fake sword again. "Now, let's finish this scene."

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