[I Love You] Polly Geist

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-          I'd imagine Polly as a slight cynic when it comes to love. She's probably gotten heartbroken lots of times after one-night stands.

-          On the other hand, she's also probably been the heartbreaker. She's come to believe that people hand out the word 'love' too lightly.

-          However, when it comes to you, that's all she feels, so it's hard for her to be cynical.

-          However, just because she feels it, that doesn't mean she accepts it right away. She's worried about getting her poor ghost heart broken, which is like, totally how she died.


Lazy nights spent inside with Polly were some of the best ones, and they didn't happen often. Most of the time when Polly had a free night, she'd want to spend it out at one of the biggest parties. She would get bored staying in one place for too long, but that wasn't the case with ______. Polly found that, no matter what, she just couldn't get bored when _______ was around. Their presence alone comforted and calmed her, but also kept her entertained.

Tonight, ______ had brought over a horror movie and popcorn, saying they were going to have a movie night. Polly didn't complain, she loved horror movies, and ______ had picked a classic: Paranormal Activity. Polly thought it was funny to see humans interpretation of ghosts, especially when they were far off. She sat on the couch, laying across ______ and throwing bits of popcorn around while ______ caught and ate most of them.

Polly realized while watching the movie that this is what she loved to do. She didn't feel bored at all, she didn't feel like chasing some higher thrill, she just wanted to stay right there with ______. She looked over at ______, who had their eyes on the screen, and thought about it. I love them. I'm an idiot in love, Polly thought to herself, mentally kicking herself. Fools fall in love far too soon, and I don't want to be an idiot with them. I mean, come on! We haven't been dating that long, I shouldn't already be-

"Polly?" ______'s voice rang out, snapping her out of her thoughts. They had started to notice that she wasn't paying attention to the movie anymore, she was focusing on ______. "Is something on your mind?"

"I love you," Polly blurted out, then covered her mouth. "I'm sorry, I wasn't going to say that yet. I know it's soon with us, but I... I love you."

______ was taken aback, but smiled, pulling her closer. "Don't apologize, Polly. You don't have to be worried about sharing your feelings with me."

I didn't hear it back. Of course I didn't, she thought. "Listen, I know it's foolish, and I shouldn't have said it so soon. I don't know what came over me. I used to laugh at the one-night stands I had that would tell me they were in love with me when they barely knew me, but now I understand, because that's how I feel about you. I love you, _____. I won't make you say it back."

"No, Polly, I love you too!" ______ said, grabbing her hand. "I was scared to hear it at first, because I wasn't sure what to think. You're not usually overtly emotional unless you're drunk, and I thought... I don't know what I thought. I don't know why I would doubt you, you're amazing, and I love you."

Polly smiled, her fears beginning to wash away. "Really?"

"Really," ______ leaned over and kissed her. "You're the first person I've ever told that to, and I'm just glad I didn't get my heartbroken."

"I am too," Polly leaned back, turning to the movie again, euphoria giving her a better high than any drug she had ever been on.

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