[Bullied for Weight] Vera Oberlin

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-          Body-shaming is not in Vera's vocabulary. Those who body shame are as good as dead to Vera.

-          Not to mention, fat-shaming and anti-bopo individuals go right against her feminist ideals.

-          She finds out through her network of spies. Word travels fast when it's about their employer's partner.


Loyalty was one of the key qualifications a person had to have to be a part of Vera's criminal empire. She expected every single one of her spies to be loyal, on and off the clock. Anything they heard, even when they weren't on a mission, was Vera's to have. That's why when they heard gossip spreading about Vera's partner, ______, it got to Vera in no time.

Vera was infuriated. Who wouldn't be? No one likes to be told that the person they care about the most is being harassed for something as trivial as body fat. Poor fashion sense, Vera could understand, but ______'s fashion was perfect. Everything about them was perfect, there was absolutely nothing to critique. However, even bottom-feeder journalists needed something to report.

Powerful Oberlin Seen with Gross Partner.

Vera knew for a fact that 'gross' was a synonym for 'fat.' However, she also knew what the reporter was trying to do. Instead of use any other word for fat, or any other way to describe ______, they chose the word gross. A word that meant so many things, but first and foremost, people associated it with something that was disgusting. Vera turned to the spy who had dug it out of the trenches of the internet. "Find the reporter and take care of them, why don't you?" she asked with a smile. "Hand it to one of the best assassins. Tell him to make it slow."

Vera stood up, picking up her phone and calling ______. There was no way she saw the article, it was made on a no-name newspaper, and besides, she never knew ______ for reading the newspaper anyways. "Hey Vera!" she heard ______'s voice from the other side of the phone.

Vera smiled at the sound of her voice. "Are you busy right now? I'd like to see you, so I was wondering if you can spare the time to come to my place."

"I can be there in five minutes," ______ told her.

"See you in five," Vera hung up the phone, going to her closet and picking out something to wear out. She wanted to spend time with ______ today, shower them in affection, anything and everything to show them how much she cared about them. Not to mention, Vera was never shy from PDA, and if it got under the skin of fatphobes or anyone who read that article, it was even better. Vera was adjusting her makeup when she heard a knock on her door. She ran over and threw the door open, taking ______ by the hands and pulling them inside. "_______, you look stunning as ever."

______ smiled and looked away, blushing for a moment. "Thanks, V. I can say the same for you, is that a new top? It's adorable."

"How admirable of you to notice," Vera replied, leaning over and kissing them on the cheek. "Can I just tell you how much I love you? You always kill it in the fashion department, everything that you wear makes me feel like I'm not the only monster around who has a fashion sense. Not to mention, I adore your body. I really do, and no matter what you wanted to wear, you make it fabulous. You could wear last season's clothes and I'd still be head over heels for you."

______'s face felt like it was on fire at this point. "Where are all these compliments coming from all of a sudden? It can take a lot for you to say something like that sometimes."

"Just feeling full of extra love for you today," Vera told them, taking their hand. "Speaking of fashion, do you want to go shopping? I'll pay, you and I have been making lots of money lately. I couldn't do anything without you, my most trusted advisor."

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