[Bullied for Weight] Zoe

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-          Zoe still eats the sanity of classmates she thinks are complete dickheads and won't be missed. A girl has to eat something.

-          She found out about the bullying after eating the sanity and memories of a classmate who she knew was a bigot.

-          Zoe gets really passionate about the people and things she loves, and when those passions are made fun of, she gets pissed.


There were certain types of people that Zoe had no patience for. Fanfiction snobs, art snobs and bigots were at the top of her list, and the classmate who she hit over the head and dragged into the woods near the school checked off all of those boxes. She had given up just being an eldritch horror, but she still had to eat something, and regular food just wasn't fulfilling.

So, there she was, enjoying the sanity of her screaming classmate as she had him pinned against the forest floor. It was getting close to dinner time, anyways.

While she was eating his memories, sanity and personality, she noticed something there that was all too familiar. It was associated with one of his negative traits (which, let's be honest, all of his traits were negative), but the memory tied to it contained no other than ______. Zoe watched a movie-like slideshow of memories, all of which contained the classmate she was feasting on harassing ______. About their weight, the way they looked, even about who they were dating. A lot like Leonard did, but over a hundred times worse. Zoe looked down at the screaming man beneath her, already in pain as she ate his existence. "I knew you were worse than anyone at this school," she mumbled. "I don't think I'm going to leave you alive after this. Not even as an empty shell of a monster. You're not worth it."

After nearly ten more minutes, Zoe had eaten every ounce of sanity she could, killed him and disposed of the body. It was a routine she was used to back when all she did was eat the souls and sanity of anyone she came across. She was still thinking about what she's seen about ______. Why didn't they tell me? she thought, heading back towards the school. I want to be there for them to protect them from assholes like this.

Suddenly, Zoe was filled with rage, replaying the images and memories in her head. How dare they say something like that about ______! They're stunning! Zoe started running, heading towards the place she knew ______ would be: at home, in bed, probably watching a movie or binging a TV show. She ran there in just five minutes, going inside and kicking open the door to their room. "______!" she exclaimed. "I need to tell you something!"

In the moment that Zoe had kicked the door down, ______ was sitting on their bed, eating ramen, binging one of the shows that Zoe told them to watch since she knew they'd like it. ______ finished the mouthful of food they had and put the bowl to the side. "Zoe? What are you doing here, is something wrong?"

"Something is definitely wrong!" Zoe exclaimed, jumping onto the bed with them and wrapping them in a tight hug. "I wanted to see you and you weren't around! How else am I supposed to tell you how much I love you, how perfect you are, how you are my muse, how I could spend days on end drawing nothing but you because you are perfection, and that every single inch of you is so loveable?"

"Um... a phone call? Or maybe a text of warning?" ______ offered, wrapping their arms around Zoe. "I love you, Zoe. Is there a specific reason you've barged into my home and knocked down my door to spill compliments all over me?"

"No specific reason," Zoe lied, moving over to sit them to them and cuddle them. She had a feeling that when ______ was ready to talk about it, they'd tell her about it. Until then, she could wait and keep on loving ______ in the meantime. She leaned over and grabbed the ramen bowl, handing it back to _______. "Do you mind if I stay the night and watch this with you?"

"Of course not, I even have extra ramen in the kitchen if you want any," ______ told her, leaning over and kissing Zoe before turning back to the show and turning it on.

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