[Being Shy] Calculester Hewlett-Packard

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-          Calculester didn't really grasp the concept of shyness until he was around you and a few friends.

-          Calculester's first reaction when he's in an embarrassing situation is no shut down and pretend he's performing updates.

-          However, after you took it upon yourself to learn the basic of fixing a broken PC, it's less convincing.

-          Since he still doesn't truly understand organic interaction, he gets worried about being seen poorly.


______ loved going out with Calculester. He always wanted to go out on Friday nights, mostly because he looked up how to go on a successful date. ______ didn't complain, and Friday nights ended up becoming the day in the week that they enjoyed the most. They decided to go out to a new restaurant when a familiar group of friends approached.

Polly, Liam and Damien came up to the table where Calculester and ________ were sitting. Almost all of them were completely wasted except for Liam, who was just pleasantly buzzed. "Hey you two!" Polly exclaimed, taking a seat next to Calculester on the booth. ______ just looked at Calculester, shooting him a look that showed that they had no idea what to do. "What're you guys up to?"

"We're out on a date!" Calculester told her, his voice module showing happiness. Calculester was almost always happy, but on Friday nights were particularly special to him. He was trying to hide the fact he wanted to be alone with ______.

Damien sat next to ______, putting an arm around their shoulders. "You two should go home together," Damien exclaimed, looking over at the table. "You guys already finished whatever you were eating."

"We haven't eaten anything yet," ______ told him, removing his arm from their shoulders. Damien wasn't being touchy, he was just drunk as hell and struggling to sit up straight. Liam took it upon himself to sit next to Damien, letting Damien lean on him instead.

"You guys should totally go home together," Polly looked at Calculester. "I bet that you have a database filled with all the information of how to have a perfectly pleasurable night."

"I'm having a pleasurable night right now!" Calculester replied. "Going out to eat with ______ brings me great joy."

"That's not the kind of pleasure Polly is talking about, Cal," Liam told him. "Polly, as always, has nothing but sexual pleasure on her mind. It's nearly all she talks about when she's this drunk."

"Oh, right," Calculester responded. He didn't have any input after that, and there was a strange silence.

"So, do you have something like that?" Polly asked.

There was a moment of silence before Calculester stated "EMOTION FOUND: ..." and there was another moment of silence before his screen went completely black.

Everyone sat in stunned silence, unsure what to do. Liam stood up, grabbing both Polly and Damien and looking apologetically at ______. "I... hope you two have a good night and you... fix this," Liam nodded towards Calculester's dark screen.

Liam walked away and ______ sighed, scooting to the other side of the booth and putting her hand on Cal's screen. It was still warm, and they swore they could still hear the hum of the fan inside the computer. "Okay, Calculester, can you show me a crash report, or is it your monitor that's disconnected?"

There was a moment of silence before Calculester replied. "There is no crash report."

______ was confused. "What do you mean there's no crash report? You crashed when we were talking to them, right?"

"I have to perform some updates."

"What updates?"

"I... have important updates."

______ thought back to the moment he crashed. "Cal, what emotion did you find?"

"I think it's embarrassment, but it's only towards certain subjects and I'm not sure I understand it. What is this emotion? Why can't I find a solution online?"

______ smiled. "I think I know what it is. You're shy about certain subjects, aren't you, Cal?"

Calculester's fan sped up while there was a small amount of smoke rising. "That just might be it, because the thought of us doing what Polly was suggesting is causing me to overheat."

______ laughed and, moved back to their original seat. "Don't worry, Cal, that's normal. That's what organic living people do."

A smile popped back onto Calculester's monitor. "In that case, this night just keeps getting better!" ______ nodded, and their food finally arrived. Calculester couldn't eat anything, but he still paid for all of the meals and insisted on making it a perfect night. Experiences like these is why ______ wouldn't trade Friday nights for the world.

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