[Being Shy] Vera Oberlin

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-          Never forget that Vera truly is a tsundere.

-          She's shy in showing you direct affection, mostly because she believes that rejection is ultimate failure and doesn't want to chance making a fool of herself.

-          She pushes herself to be perfect and hates making mistakes.

-          When she tries something new to be affectionate, she can come off as rough around the edges, but it's all to mask the reality that she's nervous about your reaction.


There was no better way to describe how Vera asked _______ out on dates than the truth: by death threat. They didn't really mind; they knew by now that was just the way Vera did things. It's not as if they believed Vera would actually kill them if they couldn't make it out, so the threats were a little halfhearted. "Meet me at my place tomorrow or I'll have your head" was just Vera's way of saying that she wanted to hang out.

Once ______ got there, they were surprised when Vera answered the door wearing a baking apron. Before ______ could ask why, Vera started talking. "Thank god you got here on time," her voice sounded slightly panicked. "I don't know how to work an oven, and I think I may have just started a small fire."

"Vera, what?" ______ asked, rushing inside and following Vera to the kitchen.

When they got there, ______ made a few important observations. There was smoke pouring out the front of the oven, but as far as they could tell, they couldn't see any fire. They started waving smoke out of their face, coughing and turning off the oven. "There's no fire," ______ turned to Vera, who was standing far from the smoke. "But whatever was in there is definitely burnt to a crisp."

Vera groaned, rolling her eyes and taking off her apron. ______ had never seen her so bothered about something. She threw the apron to the ground, annoyed. "This is why I should've stuck to someone else baking," she snapped at the apron, really upset with herself rather than anyone else.

"What were you trying to bake?" ______ asked, going up to Vera. They wanted to try to make the situation better. "Maybe I can help!"

Vera, suddenly, went silent and looked away from ______. "It wasn't anything important, just something I wanted to try."

"If it wasn't something important, Vera, you wouldn't be this upset by it," ______ walked around, trying to get Vera's attention again. "I just want to help."

Vera crossed her arms, and that's when ______ noticed for the first time that her cheeks had started to tint to a darker color. "I... I was trying to bake something for you!" Vera admitted, finally showing that she was upset instead of trying to sweep it under the rug. "I just wanted to give you something, and I didn't want it to be a big deal. I just wanted to try something new, and I thought that this would've been a good time."

______ smiled, then looked towards the oven. Most of the smoke had cleared away by now, and so they decided to put on an oven glove and go towards it, pulling out the tray. There were some burnt cupcakes wrapped in green wrappers, and ______ looked back at Vera. "Do you still want to bake something?"

Vera looked back at them. "There's no use, I'm not exactly built for baking."

______ went up to her with a smile, taking Vera's hands. Vera was surprised that after what happened, they seemed to still be so happy. "We can bake together, I love cupcakes!" They told Vera, making her feel better. "Do you have another apron? I think this would be fun to do, unless you have something else planned."

Vera shook her head. "I didn't have anything else planned, and I'm not sure if I have another apron."

"No problem," ______ bent down, grabbing the apron and putting it back over Vera's head. "You can wear it, then. You look better in it than I would, anyways," they complimented her, kissing her cheek before going through her cupboards for mix. Vera just took a moment to herself, watching ______ search the cabinets for supplies and thinking about how lucky she was to have her.

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