[Jealousy] Scott Howl

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-          Scott doesn't show his jealousy in an obvious way, and if you blink, you could miss it.

-          He becomes suddenly protective and will spend most of his time around you.

-          Showers you in the most affection he can muster!


When it came to ______, Scott was used to keeping a level head. They brought out the best in him, they made him happy, it brought a wonderful feeling. That's why he didn't really understand the twist in his stomach he was getting right now.

He and ______ had been invited to one of Polly's parties. It wasn't just any party though – it was one of the parties she threw on one of her three suspected death days. There were three days out of the year she suspected she died on, so on each one, she used it as an excuse to throw a huge party. _______ wanted to dress up a little more than usual, and Scott knew they looked amazing, and other people at the party were starting to notice it too.

That's when the feeling in his chest started. Especially when people kept coming up to _______, flirting, and asking them to dance as if Scott weren't standing right there. The gall! It didn't bother him at first, but as the night progressed, it kept happening. ______ was acting nonchalant about it, and Scott felt like his heart was going to fall out of his chest.

It was about an hour into the party when ______ started to notice the difference in Scott's behavior. He draped his arm around them and had kept it there, talking and laughing to everyone while holding them tight. When they danced, he pulled them as close as possible. They weren't about to complain, the closeness made them happy, and being with Scott was making this party bearable.

Around eleven o'clock, ______ and Scott had retired to a table, sitting, trying drinks and laughing. Suddenly, a guy who had asked _______ to dance with him earlier came strolling up, doing his best to ignore Scott. "Hey, I was wondering if I could buy you a drink," he admitted. "I know you didn't want to dance earlier, but I wanted to talk to you, try and get to know you."

______ looked away. Earlier, trying to be polite, they hadn't told him that they were here with their boyfriend. Now he was asking to buy them a drink right in front of him. Being gentle didn't feel like an option anymore. Before ______ could decline though, Scott stepped in, his voice as happy as ever, "They've already got some drinks!" he told the guy with a smile that seemed like he didn't know the implication of what this guy was trying to get at.

The guy raised an eyebrow at Scott. "Who're you?" In actuality, there was a very low chance that the guy didn't know who Scott was. He was just trying to put on an act to scare him off, not knowing that ______ and Scott were an item.

Scott wasn't completely clueless when it came to flirting. Sure, it took a while for him to realize that ______ had been flirting with him for weeks, but once he did, he knew how to recognize someone who's flirting. This guy was relentlessly flirting with ______. So, Scott, with the same smile, looked into the guys eyes and said, "Oh, I'm Scott, _______'s boyfriend." He draped his arm over them, pulling them close and kissing them on the forehead.

The guy scoffed. "Nice to meet you. Well, I'll see you two around then!" he gave up, walking away looking a little annoyed.

______ looked at Scott. They felt like Scott was acting a little weird, but they couldn't pinpoint it. Was he jealous? "I could've told him that I was here with you," they told him. "I should've said that in the first place. I hope that wasn't awkward."

"It wasn't! I'm just confused why he was offering you a drink when we have, like, ten at this table," Scott gestured to the empty bottled around them. Most of them were just fancy bottled waters that Scott brought for himself. ______ smiled. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Just Scott being Scott.

For the rest of the night, they weren't bothered again, and Scott was by their side the entire night, holding them and kissing them whenever he had the chance.

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