[Jealousy] Calculester Hewlett-Packard

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-          Calculester runs on ~vibes~ when he's in a new situation and tries to focus on identifying emotions in himself and others.

-          That's when he recognizes the feelings of jealousy rise in him quicker than others. However, he also doesn't want to acknowledge them

-          He convinces himself that when he wants to get out of a situation, it's all for your comfort, of course.


Calculester always considered going out on dates during the day just as fun as going out on dates at night. In fact, most times he preferred it. There was a lot of things he wanted to do that were better during the daytime. For example, today Calculester decided to treat ______ to a round of mini-golf and froyo. He didn't get anything, of course, but he always bought something for ______ to enjoy on his behalf. They were sitting at a window seat, talking about school and plans for the upcoming holiday when someone came right up to ______, ignoring Calculester's existence.

"Hey, I've seen you before, haven't I?" the guy opened with, and Calculester knew where this was going. When he googled pick-up lines in his own time, this was one of the cheesiest and most common he had found. He was surprised that the guy had the gall to say it right in front of Cal, ______'s boyfriend, who was sitting right there.

"I don't think so," ______ replied, starting another sentence that didn't last long. "Do you go to Spooky-"

The guy interrupted them, finishing with, "Oh! Never mind, I remember now. You were in my dream last night," the guy smiled and Calculester thought his system was about to overheat with sudden frustration. "Remind me of your name?"

"Oh, it's _______," they told the guy, their voice quieter from their usual tone. Just slightly, but Calculester picked up on it right away. ______ wasn't exactly known for their confrontation, and Cal knew they weren't going to tell the guy flat-out to go away if they were uncomfortable, but something in Cal was freezing up. He usually was fine with stepping in, but he felt like he couldn't move, like a virus hit his system.

In the end, he was close to his first comparison. Jealousy felt a lot like a virus, and the first step was the sudden dull ache of inadequacy. Calculester thought his bell would go off since he found a new emotion, but this wasn't an emotion to celebrate. He was looking back and forth from ______ to the guy who had introduced himself as Steven. Why would you be surprised the guy didn't notice you? You're just a computer. Just machinery. The next two that ran through his system came from when he tuned back in and heard Steven say something about Calculester. "Oh, I had no idea that you were here with a friend," he finally noticed. "From a distance, I thought you had just brought an entire computer set-up here for some reason."

That's when Steven trigged two other strong emotions: protectiveness and light anger. Who was this guy to decide why you should be here? You can do whatever you wanted here, even set up a whole computer station! There's no doubt he's bad news. Calculester thought. ______ started to speak again. "Oh, this isn't my friend, this is-"

This time, Calculester was the one who interrupted them. "My name is Calculester, and I'm ______'s boyfriend!" he exclaimed happily. "______, I checked my internal clock and our movie is going to start in half an hour, so we should get going so we're not late."

We're going to a movie? ______ thought. Man, I need to listen better when Calculester is breaking down the day's plan. "Oh, right," ______ stood up and turned around, grabbing their things. "It was nice to meet-"

By the time they turned back around, Steven was gone and Calculester just stood there with a smile. "It looks like Steven ran off," Calculester stated. The next moment, he snaked his arm around ______, pulling them closer than he usually did in public. "I have to admit, I have no movie planned, but I thought we could go and do something anyways."

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