[I Love You] Damien LaVey

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- Damien said it first, and he said it passionately.

- There's nothing like a fire to bring out some raw emotions from Damien and get him in the mood to have serious conversations.

- Arson sparks Damien's adrenaline, which means he gets a lot more excitable and tends to speak faster and more than he usually does.

- He got so distracted in his confession he forgot the two of you were standing in the middle of a crime scene.


Saturday nights fell into a common routine. Gasoline, matches, an abandoned warehouse. "Hey, if people didn't want their building to get burned down to the ground, they should stop abandoning them!" is what Damien told ______ one time when they asked if he ever was worried about getting caught. Damien figured that it didn't matter, as long as there were empty buildings, he was in for a great weekend.

______ didn't mind. They thought it was fun, and besides, lighting a building on fire always got Damien pumped, and they would wind up spending the entire night together running around town and generally doing whatever the hell they wanted. So, when Saturday night came, they met Damien at an abandoned warehouse by the school. They were the lookout while Damien started pouring gasoline all over the place. "How's it look from up there?" Damien shouted up when he was nearly done.

"All clear," ______ replied, turning to Damien. He had a smile on his face that ______ knew meant trouble, and he took out his matches. He could light the place up on his own without the matches, but he liked the dramatic effect of dropping one into a fresh puddle of gas. He dropped the fire and jumped up to the old fire escape that _______ was perched on.

The place lit up within seconds. The fire followed the train of gas that Damien left, and he smiled looking down on it. "Hell yeah, that one went up faster than last time!" he shouted, laughing at the humor of it. ______ couldn't help but watch the expression on his face grow more euphoric, and they could guess that his pulse had raised by then. Damien turned to them and stood up suddenly, pulling them to their feet. "There's nothing like a fire to get me hyped to spend the night with you."

______ smiled at him. "The fire gives you great lighting," they told him. "Something about the embers gives brightens your face and you look great."

Damien's face started tinting as he let go of their hands for a moment. "Listen, there's something I've got to tell you ______, and I wanted the fire to get me pumped to tell you. I thought if my adrenaline was already pumping then I wouldn't back out like a coward," he smiled and looked back at them.

"What is it?" ______ asked, and suddenly, their heart started beating faster. They were worried right out the gate, thinking that maybe Damien was getting bored, that they weren't exciting enough, that maybe he wanted to break-

"I love you!" Damien said, moving over to them and grabbing their hands. ______ looked into his eyes, and there was a passion there that hadn't been there a few moments again. All of Damien's teeth were showing with his smile and he continued. "I love you ______, and there's nothing like the sight of something burning to ignite my feelings for you, and it ignites my desire to be with you. I think you're so fucking amazing, and the fact that you have it in you to help me with even the weirdest problems only draws me to you more. You helped me punch the fucking sun in the face, you commit arson with me, you help me plan the best robberies and tragedies. I love you so much."

______ was taken aback, his words being the complete opposite of what they thought they were about to hear. They could help but smile and pull Damien into a hug. "I love you too, Damien. There's never a dull moment with you, and I'm just happy that... that you don't think I'm boring."

"Me? Find you boring? Impossible," Damien leaned over and kissed them passionately, and the crackle of the fire in the background was setting the perfect mood. It was only when they started to hear police sirens that they stopped kissing. Damien looked out, seeing the red and blue lights. "Shit! We better get out of here."

"Our night is just beginning," ______ told him, taking his hand and starting to crawl down the fire escape with him. "It's going to be a great one."

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