[Relationship Origins] Damien LaVey

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-          Ending where Damien sucker-punched the sun right in the face.

-          Since you didn't get to go to prom with Damien, you were kind of confused on what kind of relationship you guys had.

-          It wasn't until Damien straight-up referred to himself as your boyfriend that you realized the two of you were dating.

-          Once he realized you were surprised, he got worried he fucked up and assumed wrong, and you took the chance to show him he was right.

~ ~ ~

When lunch came, Damien (as usual) was itching to commit a crime. When ______ sat down next to Vera, Damien came over and sat right next to them. "Hey, instead of eating lunch, who wants to rob a bank and commit arson?"

"Sounds like a good afternoon to me, as long as we're back in time," ______ laughed and nodded, of course they were going to help. Whenever the opportunity came to help Damien, ______ jumped the opportunity. Damien seemed to trust them, especially after ______ helped him punch the sun. ______ had hoped that Damien would find the time to go to prom, or even out again, because things had been vague ever since he came back.

Vera nodded and leaned in. "What's the plan? How much am I getting out of this?"

Damien drew a blank. "To be completely honest, the entire plan was 'rob a bank and commit arson.' That was as far as I got."

Vera rolled her eyes and pulled put her backpack, opening it and starting to go through files. She was very organized, so it didn't surprise ______ that she already had multiple plans lined up. "If you want to be back by the end of lunch, we'll have to go for this bank. I was going to put together a small team, but I guess you two will do," she started explaining each of their rules. When it came to the discussion about the money split, things got complicated.

"Vera, you can't claim 60% of the profit just because you came up with the plan. A 60-20-20 split isn't the offer I was looking for," Damien announced angrily.

Vera spat back just as passionately. "I'm not doing an even split, if that's what you're expecting. It's my plan, you guys wouldn't last a minute without me. Do you have a better idea?"

______ looked over at Damien. They knew better than to upset Vera, especially when it came to money, and they didn't really care how much they got. It's not as if they were committing arson for the money, they were committing arson because ______ knew it was going to make Damien happy. They decided to speak up, "Damien, you can have my part, I don't really care about how much money I'm making off of this."

"No way!" Damien told ______. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I took your money for my own personal gain?"

When a surprised expression crossed ______'s face, Damien and Vera both had the same thought: something went wrong. That's when they finally spoke up. "Wait... we're dating?" ______ asked, and Damien got flustered while Vera stifled a laugh.

"I thought we were, I mean... if you didn't want to date, that's cool! If you just want to be platonic buddies in crime instead of partners in crime, we don't have to date, I just thought that-"

Before Damien could spent another second talking in circles and trying to get himself out of the hole he dug, ______ leaned over and cut him off, kissing him passionately. Damien was shocked and didn't have time to react before they pulled away. "No, I think partners in crime has a better ring to it."

Damien tried to reach for words, but failing to find them, he looked away with a blush on his face. ______ had rarely ever seen him embarrassed like this. Vera laughed as Damien mumbled, "That was better than arson."

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