[Bullied for Weight] Polly Geist

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-          Some of the parties that you and Polly go to contain a lot of loud and mean people when they're drunk.

-          Polly doesn't have much impulse control when she's drunk, and if someone insults you. her first reaction is wanting to hurt them.

-          She really just wants to do her best to be there for her partner.


Dating Polly meant always being in the know about where and when the next party was going to be. It was starting to get to the point where if Polly wasn't there, was it really a party? ______ didn't really mind, but lately, going out with Polly started to feel harder and harder, and it was difficult to tell Polly exactly why.

Polly was the picture of perfection. Perfect body, bubbly personality, being around her made everyone happy. It was hard being seen next to someone so perfect when ______ saw themselves as so flawed. They didn't have the perfect, small, fit body like Polly had, and lately being around crowds just started to make them feel trapped. It didn't help when they overheard people in the halls whispering about her, especially in gym when getting changed.

"Don't you think it's weird that ______ always leaves the room to get changed? I mean, it's not like we all don't know they're packing extra weight under all those layers."

Yeah, going out wasn't as fun when you knew people were whispering about you for the things you couldn't change.

The current party that Polly took ______ to had been going on for three hours now, and ______ had spent all three of them at the bar nursing a few bottles of their favorite drink. They assured Polly they just had a "huge headache" and that they weren't in the mood for dancing. Polly was too party-struck to question it, deciding to dance and check in on ______ every now and then. In the middle of one of the louder songs, she slung over, some guy who had become infatuated with her in tow. "Hey babe!" she called, taking a seat next to them. "Head still hurting?"

______ quietly nodded. "You don't have to worry too much about me, I promise I'll be here when you're ready to go."

"I'm more concerned about how you're doing rather than where you're going. I know you're not going anywhere without me," Polly told them, leaning over and kissing them on the cheek. "I'm going to have a hell of a headache after this, so we'll both be depending on some painkillers once we're home."

The guy who decided to follow Polly across the bar groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. "Are you done playing nice with this lard ass? You're too hot for someone like that," he told her, drunkenly. "Let's get back on the floor!"

______ looked down at their feet. Great, now people are just saying what everyone is thinking, ______ thought, but Polly was more annoyed by the comment. In fact, suddenly, she was enraged in a way that ______ didn't expect her to be. "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Polly asked, turning to the guy in question.

"Just what me and everyone else at this party can see. You're not who you used to be, Polly. You chose to stay with one person, and you chose this fat ass?"

Instead of trying to talk sense into someone who clearly wasn't going to get it, Polly grabbed the bottle that ______ was drinking from and smashed it across his head. "We're getting the fuck out of here," Polly told ______, grabbing them by the hand. "We're going home early."

As soon as they were outside, where it was quiet, Polly took them by the hands and turned to them, looking them in the eyes. "Hey, is something wrong? I knew something was wrong tonight and after that..." she trailed off.

"I... I'm sorry you had to see that," ______ told her. "I've been trying to ignore people like that, but damn are they loud when they're drunk."

"That's happened before?" Polly asked, feeling bad when _______ nodded. "You should've told me. I would've given them a taste of everything they deserve. I can't stand people like that. Why the fuck do they care who I date and go out with?"

_______ was silent for a moment. "You don't think they're right? That you are too good for me?"

Polly shook her head. "______, don't believe that for a second. You're so, so perfect to me. I don't care what you look like on the outside, it's about who you are as a person. Besides, what can I say? You know how to satisfy a girl," Polly leaned in, kissing them. "Now let's go home, take some Advil and binge-watch some movies."

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