[Bullied for Weight] Liam de Lioncourt

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-          Liam used to date Joy from the Coven. He couldn't care less about how much his significant other weighs.

-          He actually found out through Joy, because she heard some awful things and felt compelled to tell him.

-          Liam obviously disagrees, and he makes a point of telling you in the most Liam way possible.


Liam didn't know what to expect when Joy kept reiterating that she needed to talk to him. He thought that maybe she needed help with this season's Big Bad or something along those lines, so he was surprised when he saw it was just the two of them who were meeting up. "Joy, is something wrong?" he asked, un-surprised to see Joy looking so serious.

"There's something I need to tell you about ______. Something I don't think they're hiding from you, but they're not discussing it with you either," she started off, remaining ominous.

Liam raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Joy sighed. "Remember when the two of us dated, and I hid from you the jerks that kept commenting on my body size? They've picked a new target now: ______. I can tell it's getting to them way more than it used to get to me. I wanted you to know so you can reach out to them and help them, and it needs to come from you. Someone they love and care about."

"Those guys again?" Liam asked in an annoyed tone, rolling his eyes. It was an online hate group that were haters of The Coven's show, and they always targeted Joy with weight-related hate. Now they were just going after anyone they could find online. "How did you find out?"

"I saw them at the library today checking their notifications. They got so upset they left the library in a hurry, and I saw the messages left on the screen. I'm sorry I can't be much more help."

"Thank you for telling me, Joy," Liam told her, standing up. He wasn't upset or offended that ______ didn't tell him, in fact, he understood. It wasn't the first time he'd dated someone who had body issues, and with Joy, she was determined to face it alone. He didn't want ______ to feel like they needed to do it the same way.

Liam headed to ______'s dorm room, starting to set up a plan to make ______ feel better. He got together their favorite snacks, picked out his favorite 80s movie he thought they'd enjoy, and another surprise. He waited until they got home from their last class, sitting with a white board and a projector. ______ walked in, surprised to see their boyfriend standing there. "Liam? What're you doing?"

"I'm here to educate you," Liam grabbed a pointer and directed ______ to sit down on the couch. They followed silently, curious as to what Liam had in store. As soon as they were sat down, Liam got started on the first slide. "Our story begins in 25,000 BC, back when the idealized beauty standard included this figuring depicting a curvy, heavy-set person as the representation of perfection..."

For the next hour, ______ sat silently and watched as Liam went through a history of beauty standards. When it got to periods of history Liam was present for, he'd spend a segment talking about how he never personally cared about what beauty standard was 'trendy' preferring to follow what his heart told him. An hour later, he finally got to the point.

"... in conclusion, ______, you are amazing. You're stunning, you're perfect, you are a work of art. You put conventional beauty to shame, and there's no one else I'd rather associate myself with. Society is the one who's changed, you've always been beautiful."

______ sat there, a few tears rising to their eyes. "Liam... you're so sweet. I don't deserve someone like you." They stood up, throwing their arms around Liam. He may be scrawny, but because of vampire super-strength, he was always able to pick them up and spin them with ease.

After a few moments of embracing ______ and making sure they were feeling better, he handed them a bowl of their favorite snacks. "I love you. Now, lets watch this movie. I have a feeling you'll like it."

______ smiled and watched the movie with him, falling asleep halfway through. Liam didn't mind, putting them to bed and cuddling with them the entire night.

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