№ 1: That Fateful Day

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"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" You looked over to your right to see B/F/N, her hands shoved on her pockets as she looks at you smirking. You smiled and  place your things in your bag. "Pretty good. You?" You said as you place your bag over your shoulder, about to leave your classroom.

"Nothing, just wondering if you'd like to meet someone today?" She said, walking to the door. You followed. "Someone? Today? Wait, who will we meet though?" You asked your best friend. She grins back at you playfully.

"You'll see," She finally says before running out the door. You sighed, you weren't bothered to run after her, so you just walked.

*C A N T E E N*

"Dammit, where did she run off to?" You mumbled, annoyed that your best friend didn't even wait for you. You decided to walk to the canteen, thinking that she'd probably be there. That's what you thought, at least.

"Okayyy, I'm so screwed." You suddenly heard from the distance. A tall, silver-haired guy was walking around in circles with a curly, red-haired dude with glasses. You looked at them,"Huh, it's like I've heard that voice somewhere..." You thought until you felt a tap on your back. "Hm?" You turned around to see B/F/N giving you a smug look on her face. She then pats you on the back.

"Hey where were you? You were supposed to follow me remember?" She asked you as you pushed her back playfully. "You're too fast, idiot." You sighed and looked down at her hands. She was carrying a handful of food. "What's the special occasion?" You finally asked. "I'm glad you asked! We're going to eat this special occasion food with the people we're meeting today!" She says and opens a bag of chips. "I bet you'd be shook if you see them." She stuffs a bunch of chips in her mouth. "Yeah right."

"So, lets go to the bleachers? We're gonna meet them there." B/F/N then grabs your hand, the both of you walked upstairs to the gymnasium.

*G Y M*

"Dang I'm tired." You said, wiping off the sweat on your forehead. "It's fine! It's not like you've walked a thousand steps!" B/F/N sarcastically says while scanning around the huge gym. "Ugh, I can't seem to find them- Oh look! There they are! C'mon, let's go!" B/F/N cheers, quickly running up to the bleachers as you dragged your feet in misery.

"Hey! Kaden! We're here!" Your best friend screamed. You shook your head, embarrassed that your friends with her for a few months now.

How you guys met? Well, let's just say that she was perked on you awkward personality since she was used to being loud and open. But in the end the two of you manage to work it out somehow.

"B/F/N!!!" The red haired boy waved back at your best friend. You were surprised to see the same people that you just saw a couple of minutes ago. Your eyes widened as you look at the two boys. The silver haired looked surprised, too.

"K-Kaden! You said you were only bringing one friend over—" The silver-haired guy spoke, his whisper  almost close to a shout. Your suspicions rose, were you supposed to be uninvited to this eventful meeting? Kaden laughs at the guy beside him and gives a welcoming smile.

"Y/N! This cool dude over here is my dear friend, Kaden! We used to go to the same school back then..." B/F/N smiled and wraps her arm around this so called Kaden's neck. You gave Kaden a meek smile, silently waving at him. "Hello." You politely said. You avert your gaze to the guy who was sitting next to Kaden. "It's nice to meet you! Anyways, I bet you're wondering who this cute guy is! Ehem!" Kaden then made the silver haired dude stand up as B/F/N chuckled. "Psst, Albert, introduce yourself!" He said as the silver haired guy looked away. "Hi, I'm A-Albert, I guess." From what you can tell he isn't the type to talk more either. But anyways, you thought that both of them were pretty cute, especially Albert.

"Aww, you're so adorable, Albert!" Your best friend squeals as Albert  gives off a goofy smile. You face palmed at B/F/N. Kaden laughed when he saw you. "Damn right he is. Anyways, have a seat. The performance is about to start!" He said as your best friend excitedly sat beside Kaden while you decided to sit awkwardly next to Albert. "Oh, you mean that performance that the school prepared?" Albert quietly asked next to Kaden. Kaden nods, wriggling his eyebrows at Albert. You wondered why he did that. "Oh guys, I forgot that I bought some foods with Y/N before we came here." B/F/N then handed out the snacks. Kaden got some delicious looking chips and a bottle of coke, Albert got some popcorn while you got F/F, exactly what you wanted. As the two love birds were talking, Albert side-glanced you looking a bit flustered. You notice this, wanting to start a conversation with him.

"Um, your name is Y/N, right? " Albert says, starting the conversation instead. You looked straight into his eyes. It was a silver hue. "O-oh, right. If I'm not mistaken, you're Albert, right?" You looked down at the floor, your cheeks already getting warm. You can't help but feel awkward whenever you're talking to somebody new. "R-right. So, how do you know my best friend Kaden?" He asked as you turn to look at the two childhood friends, laughing at each other's jokes. "Well, my best friend decided to m-meet up with you and Kaden all of a sudden... So..." You bit your lip. How did it all end up to this?  "O-Oh, that's okay. I was shocked too since I didn't know that Kaden would bring two people." Albert smiled. "So, that means we're in the same position after all." You said, smiling back at Albert, starting to warm up a bit to him. "Teehee, I guess your right." He finally says before the both of you heard a loud, booming voice coming from your direction.

"Good morning to my fellow colleagues! The performance will begin very soon! But first..." The host  looks around. "Let's all stand up for the national anthem." (Yes this is the first thing we do at my school so I'm not really sure how other schools operate.) All of you stood up. You all looked at each other, stealing glances and making smiles.

*T I M E S K I P*

"I'll be honest, but the program was kinda boring." Your best friend says and sat on a chair, her eyes closed groggily. "Kaden had the most fun out of all of us! He even screamed through the whole thing! My head hurts because of it!" Kaden laughs, your best friend pouts at him. "What? They looked really cool! It was amazing!" Kaden made a mindblown explosion gesture. Albert glances at you, flaunting a small smile. He knew that Kaden wasn't the only one who enjoyed the program.  "Hm, whats wrong, Albert?" You asked him. Albert got distracted and blushes, looking away. "N-nothing. It's hot around here, huh?" Albert quickly made an excuse while he pretends to cough.
"Ooh, Albert, don't tell me-?" Kaden grinned. You tilted your head at them obliviously, not knowing what they were even talking about.
"Hmm, it does seem so that Albert thinks that my best friend here is ho-" But before B/F/N could finish her sentence, Albert quickly karate chops her back. Kaden cackles harder than before while you just stood there smiling, simply enjoying the moment with your new found friends.


Yes finally I'm done with chapter one.
Anyways imma just post this here for Flamingo fans to see •w•

Don't forget to comment or vote so that I KNOW WHAT IM FREAKING DOING WITH MY LIFE.

Love you guys uwu.

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