№ 2: A Small Chat

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Albert's POV:

I went back home, feeling tired as usual.

It was a fun day to be honest. It was different from all the days that I usually live through.

I quickly sat down on my gaming chair that was placed in front of my computer. I sigh with content, typing in my password.

Suddenly, I heard the notification sound ring on my phone. Which, of course, I open it.

Kaden: Albert! Did you had fun today with Y/N? ;)
Me: What are you even talking about? I had fun with all of you!
Kaden: But especially with Y/N ;))

I sighed. What does the winky face even mean?

Me: Stop the ;) thingy. WhAt dOeS tHaT eVeN MeaN?
Kaden: It means that you have a thing for herrr, don't you? ;)

I stared at the text that Kaden has sent me. I... Like her? Y/N? Even though if I just recently met her today?

Me: She's cute but I don't like her that way.
Kaden: Well, you will soon...

Oh, Kaden. I don't know what to do with you.

Me: Well whatevs, man. You wanna play Roblox?
Kaden: Hell yea I'm in.
Me: K, let's meet up at Adopt and Raise a Cute Kid?
Kaden: Sure.

I went to my Roblox account (insert a random acc of his) just because I didn't want anyone to know that I'm me. I'm already friends with Kaden on my account. I then opened my discord, my microphone already on.

"Albert!" Kaden screamed as I chuckled to myself. "So, are you-?"

"Ready to admit your crush on Y/N?'." Kaden laughed and I felt myself heat up. Why is he even doing this? "Oh shut up Kaden!" I screamed into the mic. This will definitely make him shut up. There was a pause for a few seconds before Kaden spoke up again.
"That's cute." Kaden gawks as I face palm to myself. So he won't shut up after all. "Alright, alright. Let's play the game already!" I said as me and Kaden finally joined the game.

Your POV:

I came back home from school, still feeling exhilarated from what happened today.

"Anyways..." I said, flopping down on my chair, ready to go through social media.

I typed in my password and went to my YouTube account. I screamed inside as I saw a new video uploaded from my favorite YouTuber, Flamingo. I clicked on the vid so fast that not even sonic could click any faster.

"AHHHH!" I sighed, thank god I didn't put in my earphones before that happened. I smiled as I continued to watch the video.

If only Flamingo would do a face reveal, surely that would make him more famous.

But for some reason, it's like I've heard this voice somewhere before?

Or maybe I'm just dreaming.

Albert's POV:

"Hey Kaden?," I asked while Kaden was doing random admin commands to the players. "Yeah, what is it?" He asked. "So, does your childhood friend know about you playing Roblox?" I said, teleporting to where Kaden is. "Uh, no, why?" He asked, "does it even matter if they do?" I then respawn him and the rest of the players to the center. "Hey! What was that for??" He shouts as I used my bazooka to kill him off. "Don't you remember when I told Kirsten about me playing Roblox?! I mean, how would Y/N react if I told her??? You think she'll be happy?" Kaden laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. Its like I feel Kaden smirking on the other side of his screen right now. "Admit it, you do like her." I groaned at his response. "What? I just have my suspicions." Damn that Kaden.
"Well, just play it cool. Maybe later she'll find out soon enough." He finally says before he exploded me with his stupid time bomb. "Well, I guess you're right. Thanks, Kaden." I sighed before the both of us went back to playing normally together.

Kaden's POV:

I knew it! My little boy is finally turning into a man!

But what should I do? How can I make him realize that he found the right one?

"Don't worry Albert. I promise that I'll help you win her back." I whispered to the mic while Albert was having fun.

"Sorry Kaden I didn't quite hear you. What did you just say?" I shake my head and went up to his character.

"Oh it's nothing."


This is such a short chapterrr. I'm so sorry :')

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