№ 29: Fallacy

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Two weeks passed, exams were getting close. And you were walking to your locker, your books in hand.

You were pondering whether or not if you should ask Albert to study with you. You got used to studying with the squad but ever since that one of them became official...

You have no choice but to ask Albert to study with you instead.

Although you wanted to, it seemed that a strong force was holding you back, pestering you to not ask him. Mainly your overthinking was one of the reasons why this overwhelming 'force' was making you hesitate in the first place.

Albert wasn't with you at the moment, he assured you that he would be back after he's done doing what he needed to do, and now that 30 minutes have passed, you begin to worry that something might've happened to him.

Weird, unexplainable things were also happening these past few weeks. Whenever it was only you and Albert, Kirsten would go to your table and sit beside Albert, flirting with him the whole lunch period. When things turn worse, you and Albert would eat somewhere else, either in the bleachers or outside school. But there were times when you could feel a  cold breeze, a feeling of drought behind your shoulder.

It felt like you and Albert were being watched, even though if Kirsten was nowhere to be seen.

This was the only time the both of you would be separated from each other. You told him that you'd wait for him in front of your locker, but Albert didn't even respond.

You mutter worriedly to yourself and made your way through the claustrophobic crowd.

You had a bad feeling in your stomach, but that's not stopping you from finding Albert.

A l b e r t' s POV:

30 minutes passed and Albert was free to go. He sighs, satisfied with his make-up classes. He stands up and hands his papers to the teacher, about to leave the classroom when all of a sudden he stops halfway. He sees Kirsten, looking at him with a half smirk on her face.

"Albert! You're finally done with classes!"

Albert shakes his head, looking at Kirsten face-to-face. He steps forward to her, wanting to end this once and for all.

"Kirsten, I know I should've told you  this sooner but I don't like you anymore. Y/N isn't comfortable with you around, I'm sorry." Albert politely rejects her, nervously twisting the straps of his backpack. Kirsten pretends to feel hurt and laughs.

"Oh, Albert. Isn't it a good thing that Kaden isn't here to protect you anymore? Or else I wouldn't have even gotten my chance." Kirsten says. Albert stands firmly and walks closer to Kirsten without a second thought.

"Well, if you're here to confess then you should do it right here, right now. But after this everything will be back to normal, if that's okay with you." Albert was able to suppress a smirk to Kirsten, making her roll her eyes in the process.

"Aw, how did you know? You know, if it weren't for that wretch Y/N, then you would've still be in love with me! You could've just let Jake take her away and everything would've been back to normal." Kirsten smiles sarcastically. It's a good thing that no one's in sight, Albert thought. Kirsten definitely knew my class schedule, which explains the stalking.

Albert was about to make a comeback when all of a sudden he hears footsteps coming upstairs. Both their eyes darted to the stairs. Kirsten grins when she sees you coming their way.

"Albert!" You scream, finally knowing where your gut feeling was coming from. You stopped in your tracks by the time you see Kirsten in sight. Kirsten doesn't bother to think twice and places her arms around Albert's neck. Albert turns to look at her with disbelief.


Kirsten leans into Albert, tiptoeing to his height.

She crashes Albert's lips onto hers. It lasted for a few seconds before Albert realized what has happened and pushed Kirsten firmly away from him. You held in your breath, taking in the depressing sight.

It's too late. You were too late.

You turn your back and ran away  from where you once came from. Before Albert chased you, he turned back to Kirsten, dismay on his face.

"This is all your fault."

Y o u r POV:

You ran and ran, never turning your back. You felt tears threatening to escape from your eyes, a heavy weight was destroying you whole.

You just wanted to escape, you didn't care where your feet would take you, but right now you know that you hope to never see his face again.

Why? What was his reason in doing all of this this?

"Y/N! Please! Let me explain!" You could hear Albert scream in the distance. You couldn't care less, you kept moving forward.

If only I hadn't fell for him...

After what felt like hours of running, you slowed down, panting tiredly. Feeling that you've lost sight of Albert, you rest in a secluded area of the school.

Until you felt someone's hand grab yours.

You only turn your head around, hoping for the worst.

"Y/N..." Albert stops in exhaustion. You shake your hand away from him. You fully turn to face him.

"You still love her, don't you?"

Albert gasps for air. He stands straight and looks at you, full of sweat.

"N-No, that's not the case—"

"Which explains why you were late, right? Just so that you could make out with Kirsten behind my back?"

"Y/N, it wasn't me who—"

"I hate you." You spat out. You felt your heart drop, realizing what you just said. Albert's eyes widen in shock. The both of you stared at each other, denying the words that you've just said.

What did I...?

You tried to say something, but in the end your thoughts stopped you from saying anything at all. Albert bows his head down in shame, you could see the pain that formed in his eyes. You turn around from him, realizing that you didn't just hurt his feelings, but it made a huge impact on him as well.

"Please, just- leave me alone." Were all the words you could say. You walk away, after a split second you slowly  ran away in a sprint, finally regaining your energy back.

I'm sorry, Albert.

But this is where we say goodbye.

Albert turns his back on you, rubbing away the corners of his eyes.


I'm sorry if this is how it goes, but this needs to keep on moving hahahaha.

Anyways, by the time I made this, it was Albert's birthday (SUPER ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALBERT 🎉🎈)

Enjoy reading the following chapters everyone! Peace! ✌️💙

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