№ 8: Reunion

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After you and Albert finished eating, you guys said your goodbyes, ready to initiate your plan.

This is the day things will turn around.

For better or for worse.

3:00PM- Your POV

You rushed to your best friend's house, knocking on her front door. "B/F/N, open the door!" You screamed. You then hear the door click as she opens it. She yawns, looking at you. "What do you want, dummy?" She asks as you push her inside and close the door behind you.

"You have to get you ready. Something important is going to happen soon." You said and you continue to push her into her bedroom. She groans and flops down on her bed.

"I don't want to though. And what's the occasion?" She asks. You throw her some of her cute clothes, since she only has 3 hours left to prepare.

"A friendly date." You said, throwing a towel on her next. "Now go bath before it's too late!" You shouted. B/F/N then quickly jumps out of her bed and enters the shower.

"I won't take too long then." She says before closing the door shut behind her.

3:00PM- Albert's POV

Of course, Albert did the same thing.

Except that he knocked on his bedroom window.

"Psst, Kaden!" He said to him. Kaden  opened the blinds, seeing Albert on a tree branch."Hey dude what's up?" Kaden asks as he opened his window, letting Albert in.

"No time to explain. We have to get you ready for something." Albert says, scanning his room.

It's a huge mess.

"Oh, don't mind that. I was just chilling." He says, removing his T- shirt.

"Nah, I bet you're sulking." Albert says as he sits on Kaden's bed.

"So it's not just a regular day, huh? You know that we don't really shower, right?" He jokes as he enters the bathroom.

"Ew, of course I shower Kaden! Unlike you. Now go while I clean your room." Albert screams before Kaden closes the door behind him.

3:30PM- Your POV

Eventually, it took a long time for B/F/N to get ready.

"What should I wear. This yellow dress or this blue one?" She asks as she holds out both of the dresses in her hands. You smile. "It doesn't really matter, B/F/N. And plus you're not going on a date. But the blue dress looks nice." You answered and she nods. "Good enough." She says, fixing her hair.

3:30PM- Albert's POV

Kaden's already done changing. Albert wondered how you were holding up with B/F/N.

"Okay, maybe I should've asked you this sooner but what's the rush?" Kaden asks as he sets his towel aside. "Oh, just a friend date, you know." Albert said, trying to make him agree. "Really? Don't tell me that you just wanted me to be the third wheel." He smirks as Albert face started heating up.

"L-like I said, it's a friend date. So there'll also be someone else besides us." He says, already done cleaning Kaden's room. Albert then flops down on his comfy bed, trying to relax as he stares at the ceiling.

"Now all we have to do is wait." Albert mutters. Kaden goes to the kitchen to get some food.

4:30PM- Your POV

One hour has already passed.

After B/F/N is done, the both of you decided to go out and get some food.

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