№ 12: Christmas Break

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After the events that happened yesterday, school has finally come to an end.

For this year, at least.

Yesterday, B/F/N quickly rushed to you as she hugged you tightly, apologizing over and over. And since you were her best friend, you accepted her apology right away and everything was back to normal, when out of the blue you felt something cold fall on your head.

"Woah, would you look at that, it's snowing!" B/F/N said. You guys look up to see the snow falling from the sky.

"Hey, why don't we meet up tomorrow so that we could do cool things under the snow?" Kaden asks as the four of you excitedly agree. You guys went home, already excited for tomorrow's events.

And that tomorrow is already today.

December 23.

Wearing your snow outfit, you rush to the outside right away, feeling exhilarated from all the ideas that has been pounding in your head. As you walked, you finally see B/F/N and Kaden already running around the snow, trying to catch each other. They were wearing their snow outfits too.

"Y/N! Watch out!" You hear B/F/N scream. But it was too late, you were already hit on the face by a snowball. You rubbed the snow away and smiled evilly when you realize that it was Kaden who threw the snowball at you.

"Come here Kaden!" You said while shaping your snowball, dashing after him. He laughs as B/F/N goes to the other side and throws the snowball in his face.

"Ha! Got you!" B/F/N said as you stop in your tracks. You pant and smile at Kaden, who fell to the ground. "Haha! You got me." He says as B/F/N holds out her hand to make him stand up.

"By the way, where's Albert?" You asked as Kaden wipes the snow off his face.

"Oh, Albert said that he was doing something. He won't take too long, is what he said." Kaden said and fell to the ground, making snow angels. B/F/N did the same.

There were also a lot of people playing outside, mostly kids.

You put snow on top of B/F/N. Kaden sits up and sees you adding more snow on top of her body. B/F/N didn't mind though, since she was just closing her eyes. Kaden joins in, hugging a huge amount of snow on his chest. He then proceeds to put it on top of her.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking?" You asked. Kaden smirks at you.

"Let's see how this will turn out." Kaden laughs in a teasing tone.

After 30 minutes, Albert has finally arrived. He runs up to you guys as B/F/N was giggling, trying to get out.

"Guys, I'm here! Did I miss anything?" Albert says and reaches you guys, he lets out a laugh when he sees you and Kaden burying B/F/N in snow, except that her face wasn't covered so that she could breathe in for air.

"Albert! Get me out of here!" B/F/N screams. Kaden shakes his head. "Do it or I'll bury you in this too!" Kaden smiles as he holds up a snowball. Albert screams and runs away from Kaden, who, was also running after him with a snowball. You stopped laughing as you try to remove the snow from B/F/N. After a few tries B/F/N finally gets out of the snow. She stands up and hugs you. "Thank you! I thought you'd trap me there forever!" She says and you hug her back. "I wouldn't do that." You chuckled as you guys continued to play your snowball fight.

After you're exhausting snowball fight, the four of you decided to make a snowman to finish up everything for today.

"Okay, so let's go in teams. Me and B/F/N will find the pebbles and make the body while Y/N and Albert will search for branches and make the head for the snowman. We good?" Kaden asks as B/F/N nod. You and Albert didn't say anything. Kaden claps his hands together as he pushes you and Albert's backs. "Now you guys have fun! We'll be starting right... Now!"

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