№ 21: Rekindle

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You woke up, trying to adjust to your surroundings. It seems like you were looking up at the ceiling, the light blinding your vision.

You got up too quickly that you felt blood rushing through your head.

You started feeling dizzy, the world was spinning around you just like the last time you spun around with Albert.

But anyways, where is Albert...?

"Y-Y/N!" You heard an alert voice calling your name. You averted your gaze beside you to see a blurry figure sitting there, suddenly standing up as he grabs your shoulders. You tried to  keep your composure as the figure looks at you.

"Y/N, are you okay? Jake knocked you out and—" You couldn't hear anything else after that, but now you know why you were inside a huge bedroom with a figure who was worrying about you.

"Albert." You said. You huffed as you rub your eyes, the dizziness slowly going away. Albert then surprised you into a tight hug, squeezing you as if you were some sort of teddy bear.

"I'm glad that you're okay, you almost scared me to death!" He said as he lets go. After your vision has finally stopped spinning, you nodded at him.

"Oh yeah, and, um..." He said, fumbling his fingers. You raised a brow, wondering why he was acting like this all of a sudden.

"What is it?" You asked while Albert was nervously looking around the room and not at you. He finally sighs as he places his hand on his neck, a nervous smile was plastered on his face.

"T-Thanks for the c-chicken nuggets. I was s-stress eating them all w-without saving a-any for you." He laughs. You then forgive him, accepting his apology.

"It's okay Albert. That really was meant for you. I mean, it's more of an apology gift than a Valentine's gift, actually." You chuckled. He stares at you questionably, his face perplexed. You noticed that maybe a part of him was even hurt when you said that.

"Oh, really? You didn't even do anything to me! It's mostly my fault!" He says and he turns to look back at the window, looking at the view outside. He tries to avoid your gaze.

"Well, you see, that's actually what I wanted to know." You said, your voice turning more smaller as you said each word. You were scared, you didn't know what he'd say. Would he be mad or turn disappointed? You may never know.

"I guess there's no choice for me but to say this." Albert says. He turns back and reaches for your hands, holding only your fingertips.

"Please don't get mad when I say this. And especially..." He brushes his fingers against yours, he quivers, but then shakes it off.

"Don't tell this to Jake."

"Jake?" You asked, you were shocked when you heard his name. He nods at you.

So Jake was the reason?

"Yeah. Um, remember when I was there to save you in the school hallways just in case he might still be there?" He asks as you nod. He grips your hand, hesitating to say what was next.

"A-And well, I got this t-threat from him. Something I would never want to happen. It just s-scares me to lose s-someone, especially if it was someone that you really care about." He stares at your hands, his expression was deep in thought.

"I didn't know what would happen if I'd lose you."

You were surprised. Your heart skipped a beat when he said that. Albert smiles warmly and lets go of your hand.

"The threat went like this; 'if you hang out with her you'll never see her again.' Of course, I didn't want that so I did the best possible thing. And it's to not make contact with you as much as possible. No matter what you did to get my attention." Albert stops, ending his story there. You were mad and hurt at the same time, but you understand. You knew that he did all that just to protect you.

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