№ 6: Miracles

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Kaden's POV:

It's been 1 week ever since I've fought with B/F/N. I know that it wasn't her fault, it was my blind rage that dragged us into this mess. But I somehow knew that I had a say in it too, right?

I spin my pen in thought, thinking of a way to get my childhood friend back. I
have to find a way! We can't just stay like this forever.

The constant mumbles were echoing in class. The sound of pens clicking, random chattering in the back, and the sudden shout of our teacher. 

"Mr. Kaden, could you please come up and translate this in French." My head perked up.

I forgot that it was French class.


"Y-Yes ma'am!" I quickly stood up and walked to the blackboard. "Oh God I wasn't listening." I panicked to myself, already about to have a mental breakdown.

You see, our French teacher is really strict. And if you hadn't quite listen to her discussion— then well, you're dead meat.

I shakily grabbed the chalk in my hand as I read the sentence written in bold letters.

The little boy fed the pigeons bread.

"Okay what." I whispered to myself. Why do we even have French class?

I looked back to see if anyone could give me the answers. I notice that the ones on the front were trying to mouth out the words while the back benchers were throwing paper at each other.

And then, at the corner of my eye, was B/F/N. She sits in the middle of the room, eventually taking down notes on her notebook. Our teacher was always fond of her since she always had high grades in her class. She doesn't even have to try learning.

Then why is she still here?

"Ahem." My teacher strictly coughed at me. I shook my head in thought, don't worry me, I can do this!

I looked back at the blackboard and tried to analyze the words.

So, if boy means garçon, and little means petit, then it's little boy!

Well, that's all I remember in French class.

My teacher turned away from me for a few seconds. Suddenly, I felt someone throw something at me. I looked down to see a crumpled piece of paper lying on the floor, a bunch of scribbles can be seen on the paper. I looked back to whoever threw it at me.

It seems like everyone was still doing the same thing.

I then quietly picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it. The words were written in French:

Le petit garçon a nourri les pigeons avec du pain.

I see the word 'pigeon' written on the piece of paper. This is probably the answer to this sentence!

"Kaden, you only have 20 seconds left to answer the question." My teacher said, she faced me once again, holding her stick on one hand. I gulped as I swiftly place the paper in my pocket. And as fast as I could, I started to write the answer on the blackboard, quietly thanking whoever threw the paper at me.

"I'm done!" I said, putting the chalk down as I wiped my sweaty hands, the pressure got the best of me. I then returned to my seat.

The teacher looked at my answer. She nodded as she claps her hands together. "Good job, Kaden. It's a good thing that you listened." She said before going back to her lesson.

Thank god I was saved.

*After French class*

I rushed over to where Albert would meet me. I finally see him in the crowd of people. He seemed to be glistening right now unlike this morning, where he usually was his normal self.

"Albert! Over here!" I screamed at him, the others looked at me like I was crazy. Albert heard me as he looked at my direction, he smiled and approached me. "What's up, buster! Oh, wait! I have good news! Y /Nsaidtomethatshelovedmycontentandthatshe'swaitingformyupdateseverydayand-"

"Hey! Slow down!" I said and pat his shoulder. "You wanna go and talk about this outside?" I said, wrapping my arm around his neck. He happily agreed as we walked out of school together.

"Okay, so tell me what's been making you feel this way all of a sudden." I said, walking to his place.

"So I noticed this cute flamingo sticker that she had on her locker! So I asked why she had it, and guess what she said!" Albert rubbed my hair. "What did she say?" I said as he looked at me straight in the eye. "She. Said. That. She. Likes. Flamingo! She likes my content!" He said, almost screaming in happiness. My eyes widened as we did a bro hug. "Really? Dude I'm so proud of you! I knew that you guys would click! But did you tell her that it was you?" I asked him, letting go of the hug first. His jaw then hanged open, I face palmed.

"I guess that's a no then." I sighed. I  placed both of my hands on his shoulders. "You've made it this far in life. Now it's time for you to take the next step! You should tell her!" I said in my deep voice. Albert froze, "N-No! I-I don't like her! I told you already! I still like Kirsten!" I rubbed my face. He couldn't get this oblivious, can he?

"Look, Albert, move on. Forget about her. I know that you're still in denial of your feelings. But I know what you really feel. So just follow your heart, okay?" I said as we finally made it to his place. Albert just looked at me, as if he was dumbfounded. I then turn him around and pushed his back to his front door. "And don't make her wait for you. She's probably waiting for your next upload." I said, laughing.

"Fine. But I hope that you and B/F/N get together!" Albert pouts and locks the door behind him. I sadly smile, bringing out the crumpled paper that saved me from French class. I hope so, Albert. I hope so.


Here's the new chapter bois.

To be honest, while writing this I realized that Albert doesn't only have one buddy, but 2-3 pips as well. My apologies, since Kaden is usually the one who mostly appears on Albert's vids most of the time.

Secondly, their personalities here seem out of place. But to be honest this is how I see them in this au.

Anyways that's all I have to say. Also I'd be really happy if you guys vote! I want to know what you guys think, so don't forget to also comment! (Thank you guys so much I love you all UwU.)

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