№ 5: Flamingo

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It's like a normal day for everyone. Same faces, same activities, same everything.

But for you it felt a bit different now.

And it was all because of yesterday.

If it only wasn't for him, then you wouldn't be so caught up with life.

"Hey, Y/N." You froze when you felt someone tapped on your shoulder. You slowly turned around to see your best friend looking at you with a weird expression on her face.

"Woah, it looks like you haven't slept last night. Are you okay?" She asks, you nod your head. "Yeah, um, sorry. Something happened yesterday. What time is it?" You asked her right away. "It's 2:00PM. Math is already over." She said as she stands up from her seat, making you stand up as well.

"Oh, okay." You said and you guys walked out to your next class.

"But anyways, what's up with you today? You're not the type to be out of place all the time. Are you in love or something?" You pretend to not look at her, but you could tell that B/F/N is on to you or something.

"N-No! Of course not! What makes you say that?" You can feel your heart pumping out of your chest, just like yesterday.

"Aha! So something did really happen! Don't you want to tell me the details?" She said, raising her eyebrows at you. You shook your head. "Aw, why not? Don't tell me that Albert did something-" You quickly covered her mouth, your ears turning red. "Shut up! Nothing happened, okay? I was binge watching memes." You lied, trying not to sound obvious. "Ohh, are you sure about that?" She said in a muffled tone. You nod as you remove your hands from her mouth.

"By the way, is it okay if I asked you something?" You asked, this time you can tell that it was B/F/N turn to feel pressured. "W-what? Is this about Kaden or something? Is this a threat? Could it be-" You laughed and punched her shoulder playfully. "Don't be sarcastic. I won't ask about Kaden until you guys are okay with each other. But anyways, since you're really good at French words, can you tell me what 'tu es vraiment spécial' something means?" You said, trying your best to impersonate a French accent. It's a good thing your best friend knows French. She looks at you with a smirk on her face. "Well, does it end with a moi?" The words then echoed in your head. It was exactly what he said.

"Tu es vraiment spécial pour moi? I think that's what I remembered." You said sheepishly. B/F/N pats you on the head. "Hm, from what I remember- whoever said that to you thinks that you're a special potato. Treasure him and he'll turn you into a French fry." You face palmed at her joke. "I'm serious though. That's what it really means. He probably likes you." Your best friend teases, winking at you. You felt random butterflies fluttering around in your stomach.

"O-okay then." You said as you guys finally reached B/F/N's class, which was ironically French class.

"Guess I'll see you at 3:00PM then. Goodbye and good luck Y/N!" She says waving at you before she enters the room. You wave back at her, standing there in the hallway all by yourself.

Now what.

"Oh, right." You said loudly to yourself  as you walk to your locker, which was on the opposite side of your best friend's room.

You walked quietly by yourself, trying not to make eye contact with random people. The last time you did, it was really awkward. So you promised to yourself that it would be best if you'd  make eye contact to the floor at all times.

After finally what felt like an eternity of walking, you sighed in relief after finding your locker. It was a normal locker, really. Except that it had a nice, little flamingo sticker in front of your lockers door, making you love your locker more. You fling open your locker and got out your books for next period, which was History.

"Flamingo. Now that you think about it, I wonder where he is right now?" You muttered, finally closing your locker. You suddenly felt a presence of someone just standing right beside you. You look to your right to see him once again.

The view you admired yesterday.

"Um, n-nice to see you again, Y/N." You looked up to see his eyes, but eventually he looked at the other direction instead. "H-hey Flam- I mean, A-Albert." You said, ready to die from embarrassment.

"Where's your next class?" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You smiled shyly and showed him your books on Literature. "Ohh, English. Now that you think about it... Don't we have the same schedule on English together?" Your heart suddenly dropped. "Right, this is the only time we get to see each other in class." You said. Albert smiled to himself. "How about we walk together to class right now?" He said, sounding more nonchalant than before. You smiled back at him as you nod. You guys were about to walk when suddenly he notices the flamingo sticker on your locker. He then points at it and chuckles. "That's a cute sticker you got there." He says while stroking the sticker that you put there on your locker. "Why the flamingo, though?" He asked as you stared at the bright, pink flamingo standing on its one leg. "It's a long story I long to tell you. You see, this bird actually has meaning behind it." You sigh and stare at the flamingo sticker showing off its pink feathers. "I just hope that he does a face reveal one day." Albert was stunned at the moment. He stared at you as you sighed. "You probably don't know what I'm talking about so never mind-"

"Wait, do you know a channel named Flamingo? Or, uh.... Mr.FlimFlam?" He said out of nowhere, somehow surprised by what you said. Your eyes widened as you looked back at him and screamed.

"Yes! Exactly! He sounds exactly like you! And his videos are the best! I'm always waiting every day for him to upload since he uploads quality content. Overall, he's a really cool guy. I bet you'll like him! Actually, no, you will! And did you know-" But before you could say anything else he quickly wraps his arms around you. Your face heated up as the people that passed by were whispering while the others were awed at you two.

"W-what are you doing?" You said as you tried to let go of the hug. But the more you resisted, the tighter he seemed to hug you. You didn't know why but you can tell that he was deliriously happy from what you just said right now.

"I really am lucky to have met you." You heard him mutter as he finally lets go of the hug. He coughs to himself, realizing what he has done to you once again. "S-sorry, I shouldn't h-have done that." You nodded. At least you guys are back to normal.

"No, it's okay. At least you're happy. It seems that you're also a Flamingo fan as well." You laughed, Albert laughing along with you. "Yeah, it's a good thing that you like his content too. Flamingo would be really happy to hear that. Because I heard that his previous crush didn't like his content." He said and rolled his eyes. You tilted your head.

"I never heard him mention that on any of his videos before. But wow that's horrible. Must be hard for him." You said, your smile faded. You've experienced something like that before. But that's all in the past now.

Albert gazes in your eye, slowly inching a bit closer to you, his nose almost touching yours.

"It's okay. He'll be fine. I heard that he already found his special someone. So don't worry about it" He says and walks pass by you. You stared at him in question.

"And do you know who it is?" You shout back at him in the hallway.

Albert stopped right in his tracks and looks back at you. You walked towards him, wanting to know who it is.

"That's a secret. But for now let's go and learn some English. We might be late to class." He says grabbing your hand as the both of you ran together to class.


Okay, it took me awhile to update aaand I'm so sorry about that since I have this thing you called 'writer's block.' =_=

Also, I've been doing school stuff  lately. It's been really stressful right now, so the updates might be painfully slow at the moment.

At least I updated a new chapter for you guys :^)

I hope it won't take long for me to update. (I'll probably be updating tomorrow though.)

Okay then bye guys UwU 👋

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