№ 7: Last Minute

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Today was the day. The day it was going to happen.

And it's the day you and Albert thought the last minute.

Albert asked to you meet at the park, since he thought that it would be nice to relax while walking around.

In reality he just wants to spend more time with you.

"So, where are they going to meet again?" You asked, looking at Albert as he buys ice cream for the both of you using the money that he brought with him.

"I don't know. I was thinking that maybe they should meet somewhere unforgettable." He said, handing you F/F ice cream. You take it from him. "Define 'unforgettable'." You joked as the both of you sat down on a nearby bench, the clouds slowly passing by.

"Hmm, by unforgettable, maybe a place that can make them feel the moment." He said, licking his ice cream. "But the thing is we have to leave those two alone. Since, you know, it's a friend date." He looked at you. You thought to yourself.

What kind of date can make two people feel like the world only belongs to them?

"Oh, I know! We can let them do star gazing." You smiled, already imagining the scenario. Albert's eyes widen, he snapped both of his fingers. "That's a great idea, Y/N! I remember when me and Kaden used to do that when we were little! He said that star gazing was his favorite thing to do!" You guys screamed with excitement, The both of you did a high five. "Yes! And then that's when they'll finally be able to forgive each other!" You said while you eat half of the cone.

"Finally, he's been waiting for this his whole life." Albert chuckled. "I can't believe that's he's going to be a man now." You agreed, standing up from the bench. "Same, B/F/N wanted this to happen for a long time as well. She said it was her dream or something." You said as you stretched your arms. "But how will we initiate the plan though?" Albert asked. You sucked in your lip, making it form into a thin line.

This really was planned the last minute.

"We can let them meet here. But I know that it's going to be awkward." You sighed. "But it's worth the shot." He continued, standing up from the bench. "Let's walk." You say and you guys started to walk together.

As you guys walked, you tried your best to act normal, the feeling of tension was too much. Albert couldn't even make eye contact with you as well.

"U-Uh, about our topic about Flamingo yesterday..." Albert finally spoke, trying to start a new conversation with you. You finally look at his direction. "What do you like about him?" He asked, twiddling his finger. You then put your thumb and forefinger on you chin.

"There are a lot of things that I like about him. But in my opinion, he's very chill." You gave him a warm smile, his cheeks flustered. "O-Oh, really?"
You nod, not knowing why he's blushing at your answer.

"By any chance, are you somehow related to him?" It was your turn to ask. Albert backed away a bit, "No! Of course not! I'm just a huge fan of him! Like seriously!" You squint your eyes. "But you guys definitely sound the same." You said, taking a closer look at his face.

If only Flamingo would show his face to his viewers.

"I bet Flamingo would look cute though, don't you think?" You said, looking up at the trees that swayed and covered you guys from the sun. "He is cute, I bet." Albert joked. "As cute as Felipe." You teased him, he crossed his arms. "Hey! That's not true!" The both of you laughed.

After laughing for 5 minutes, Albert wiped his tears and grabbed your hand. "I'm hungry. Let's go and get  McDonald's." Once again, you were speechless at his actions, so you just had to accept.

Wherever Albert goes, you follow.


You guys sat on an open table on the 2nd floor balcony, waiting for your orders.

"Okay, let's continue the plan." You said as you type the plan on your phone. "Let's say they get ready at 6:00PM sharp. Then, we meet at a restaurant and have dinner with them. Is that okay?" You asked as Albert agrees, playing with the happy meal he bought. "Okay. And then?" He asks. You stopped at your tracks and  stared at the toy that he just bought.

It was a cute figurine of Pikachu.

Now isn't that adorable?

"I like how you bought that Pikachu without any regrets." You said, pointing at it. Albert places it in his palm and shows it to you. "I mean, gotta catch them all, right?" He says.
"Pikachu, I choose you!" He then sets him down on the table, moving Pikachu around.

Now you were distracted by Albert's actions for almost a split second. It was weird, but you could get used to it anyways. You shake your head and  think of the next step.

"Okay, and then after the friend date, we go to the park and then we'll pretend that we've forgotten something. And that's when we'll leave them alone." You clasped your hands together. This really is a plan.

The waitress approaches your table and puts your orders down on the table. "Enjoy your food." The waitress nicely says as she goes to the next table. The two of you cheered as you guys quickly grabbed your utensils, already about to chow down. "Let's definitely go with your idea, seems like a plan to me." Albert says before he munches on his fries. "And then if it works out, I'll give you a prize." Your ears perked up to this.

"And what's the prize?" You asked, waiting for his response. He looks back at you and smiles, fries in his mouth.

"You'll see." His voice was muffled before going back to his food. You smirked, "Oh it's on." You said and you chow down on your chicken nuggets.

Only 6 hours left until the blind date.

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