№ 11: Best Friend

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Your POV

It's almost Christmas. And during this time of year, you were really excited for Christmas break.

"Hey Y/N, do you have any plans for Christmas?" B/F/N asked, the both of you enters class together. You smiled, "Not that much." You admitted as you guys seated on the back of the classroom. "Huh, really? How about your family ?" B/F/N asks curiously. You brought out your things. "My family we'll be spending Christmas at my place." B/F/N then nods, "Oh, I see."

Suddenly, the teacher comes in. You guys stopped talking as class starts.


You guys head straight to the canteen to buy lunch. "I have to be more careful from now on! That fight with Kaden was terrible!" B/F/N laughed, making you shiver at the thought of it, "Yeah, we should." B/F/N then grabs your hand as you pass by the crowd of people. Finally, you guys were able to reach to the front of the counter.

"I don't really know what to order. How about you, Y/N?" She asks, you shook your head. "I'm okay with anything. It's almost Christmas anyways." You said, trying to hide the excitement in your voice. "Yeah right, so you just want to eat something that has poison in it?" B/F/N asks. "Let's just grab a tray. Who knows, maybe it's tasty." You said, you weren't really picky with food. B/F/N gulped, she was the opposite of you. "Okay then. I'll pray that it's edible." She said as you both went to the counter to get some food.

After that, you and B/F/N quickly went to your usual spot. You already see Albert and Kaden eating their food. You guys approached them.

"Like I said, bullying is not allowed! Which means, Kaden is definitely not allowed to bully Albert!" You smile when you heard Albert scream at Kaden. "Guys we're here!" B/F/N shouts. The both of them faced you guys as you both sat down. "What's up?" Kaden asks, smirking gullibly. Albert looks at Kaden intensely. Kaden mouths something to Albert, Albert sighs. You looked at the both of them questionably, wondering what they were talking about awhile back.

"So anyways, what were you guys talking about?" B/F/N asks, answering your thoughts. Albert shakes his head and Kaden makes this gesture at you. You raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just wanted to know if-" But before Kaden could say anything, Albert suddenly covers his mouth. At first, this was going on for a few seconds until Albert finally lets go of Kaden. Kaden gasps for air. B/F/N shrugs it off. "Um, why don't we just change topics? You guys have any plans for Christmas?" She smiles warmly at Kaden. Kaden smiles back at her.

"Hm, now that you think about it, tomorrow is our Christmas break. I guess I'll be spending Christmas with my family." Kaden says and puts in a spoonful of food in his mouth. B/F/N frowns and looks at Albert. "How about you, Albert?" Albert sighs. "Yep, same here." You sigh and look at B/F/N. "Well, I guess most of us are busy during Christmas. You're probably the only one left." You grin as B/F/N poked on her food. "I guess you're right. But don't you guys want to spend Christmas together like a family?" The three of you turned silent, staring at B/F/N, who was awkwardly eating her food.

"Of course we'd want to! But the problem is we're all busy. Why don't we make a schedule?" Kaden asks as you and Albert nod. B/F/N lits up and brings out her notebook from her bag. "I knew you would say that! Which I why I have it all planned out!" She says and flips to a random page, showing a page with all the plans she came up with. Your eyes widened. "So this is what you've been doing during first period?!" You exclaimed as you scanned the contents of her notebook.

"Yeah, I was really hype for Christmas break too. But when I realized that you guys were busy, I thought it might be best but to cancel it!" B/F/N says. You nod in agreement and passed B/F/N's notebook to the guys.

"Well, she does love a party, after all." You thought.

"I guess we can celebrate it after Christmas. We can definitely do that." Kaden says and reads the plans B/F/N made. Albert smiled. "And the ideas you made are pretty cool for a Christmas party. I guess we can't turn it down now." This made you die inside.  B/F/N looked up in amazement. "So you're agreeing, Albert?!" B/F/N said as you watch in envy. Albert laughs, "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. But yeah I'm in." B/F/N scream, you smiled sarcastically. "Sure. I'd definitely go." You said, this time you were jealous. B/F/N and Albert stopped talking, Kaden coughed at Albert. B/F/N looked at you.

"Y-Yeah, let's just eat." B/F/N said as you guys continued to eat lunch.

It was like that for a while until the bell finally rings. You guys then said your goodbyes and went to class.

Eventually, the next class you have is English. And that's the class you and Albert have aside from Science, which was also your next class.

You sighed and head straight to class right away. You sat down on the middle as Albert sat next to you. Minutes felt like hours until Albert taps on your shoulder.

"What?" You said, sounding annoyed when you realized that Albert was looking at something else. You were about to shout at him when you looked down at your desk to see a folded piece of paper on your desk. You unfolded it and see Albert's handwriting written on the paper.

Albert: I'm sorry. Please forgive meee.

(Pls answer back.) :(

You smiled at his small apology. But that didn't stop you from making him feel bad.

You grab your ballpen from your pencil case, writing something down on the paper. After you were done you place the paper on his desk. Now it was your turn to tap his shoulder. He turned to look at you as you pretend to look at the board. Albert then unfolded the paper and read your message.

You: I won't forgive you for making me feel this way. >:(

You hear Albert silently gasp. You covered your mouth, trying not to laugh.
He then returned the paper and tapped you once again.

Albert: Why? Did I do something wrong? :(

You: Yeah, you hurt my feelings. :)

Albert: What did I even do? :'(

You: You don't understand. -_-

Albert: I bet you're jealous, aren't you? ;)

You denied what he said and crumpled the paper, throwing it at Albert. Albert looks at you, you pouted at him. This made him smile at you as he unfolds the paper.

You: No. I. Hate. You. ಠ︵ಠ

Albert laughs loudly and covers his mouth, realizing that the both of you were in the middle of class. Everyone looks at you two as the teacher approaches Albert and confiscates the paper you guys were passing to each other.

"This is a warning. Both of you, see me after class."

You bowed your head, hiding your smile as Albert nods in shame.

"Yes ma'am."


You guys left the room after your teacher lectured you two about passing notes in class. Although she was gentle enough to explain instead of shouting it at you two.

"It's a good thing our English teacher is kind. We would've been dead if it wasn't her." You said as you guys walk together to your next class.

"Yeah. But really though, I'm sorry Y/N. Even though if it wasn't my fault." Albert said as you punch him playfully on the shoulder.

"Fine. I forgive you. We're best friends after all." You said, adding emphasis on the word 'friends.'

"Wow. Thanks." Albert mumbled, feeling a bit hurt. You guys sat next to each other again, this time you felt comfortable with him.

But deep inside, you knew that Albert's more than a best friend.

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