№ 14: Past

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After the events that happened with you and Albert, you finally travelled to your family's place. 

It's been a long time since you've visited them, the last time you saw them was probably around Christmas.

As you knocked on the front door to your parents house, they quickly opened it and gave you the warmest hug you've ever had. Your second warmest hug though was with Albert.

Anyways, you guys had a splendid Christmas together. You get to taste your mom's cooking after such a long time and once you smelled the savory scent, you already felt nostalgia. After  you guys were done eating, you talked about the latest news with your dad. Then lastly, you and your siblings (if  you don't have siblings then think about your cousins instead.) had fun together, doing whatever the heck you guys want as your relatives laugh and sing around the Christmas tree.

It was the best feeling you've ever had.

It was almost dinner, when you suddenly hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" You shout as you rush to the door. But as you open the door, your heart dropped as your teeth clench.

You notice the boy who was holding a basket full of sweets on both of his hands. He also look back at you, his mouth wide open.

It was Jake. Your neighbor and childhood crush.

"Oh, Jake! What a surprise! Come in!" Your mother said as you make way for him. He passes by you and puts the biscuits down on the table. Your mom starts making small talk with Jake as she looks at you and motions you to come. You hesitantly walk up to her, she pats your back. "Y/N, you and Jake should walk around! But make sure to come back before 12:00!" She says as your eyes widen. "Wait, I didn't even-"

"You should hang out with him once in a while, don't you think?" Your mom says and pushes the both of you to the front door. The both of you stood out in the cold as your mom winks at you, "Thank me later!" She says, you roll your eyes. "Thanks, mom." You mumble before she closes the door shut behind you. You sigh and Jake looks at you awkwardly, smiling a bit. You tried not to blush as you walk away from him. "My mom likes seeing me suffer, I know." You said and he runs up to you, the both of you walking on the cold snow.

It's a good thing you didn't even change your clothes when you were still with Albert.

"Haha, I know. It's really awkward, to be honest." He says and you look around, trying not to pay attention to him. "Yeah, well, she doesn't know that I already confessed to you." You said. You guys sat down on a nearby bench that has a roof over it.

"Oh, really?" He whispers at you. You nod, huddling your legs together. Jake  stands up and goes to a vending machine that's just beside the bench. He puts in his coins, tapping the buttons on the machine. You hear a 'clink!' on the machine as he grabs the drinks and approaches you. He then hands you your favorite drink from when you were a kid.

"Wow, didn't expect you to buy me this." You said, opening the can. The drink fizzles and you sip on your drink. Jake gulps on his. He sighs, feeling refreshed.

"This brings me back to when we were young. I thought it would last forever." He admits and looks at the contents of his drink. "I can't believe that we grew up so fast. And yet it seemed so short, you know, our childhood." You said, sipping again at the drink. It had a weird flavor, but you always seemed to like it when you were young.

It brought you back to nostalgic summer. Before you left for high school, you had to confess to your childhood crush. You thought that it was worth the shot, even though if you weren't ready for the truth.

Because at that time, you already knew who he liked.


You knew that you didn't even have a slight chance with him.

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