№ 30: Saudade

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Y o u r POV:

The huge feeling of regret was giving you a hard time to concentrate, or to do anything at all. Deep down you knew that it wasn't his fault, but you hated the fact that you've imagine him being kissed by another girl. And because of it, it blinded you to whatever you were truly feeling  during that time.
After everything that happened that day, you've decided to walk home by yourself and sulk all the way home. You didn't even bother to answer B/F/N's calls since you knew that she would ask you why you haven't waited for her since it was rare of you to leave her without any explanation at all.

But that's when things weren't really  the same prior to what happened.

Whenever you were going to eat together during lunch, you would make an excuse to B/F/N, saying that you had things to do when in reality you would always outside to eat your lunch there instead. There were other times when either of you would leave first so that you wouldn't have to walk together with the other.

If B/F/N and Kaden were to hang out together as always, that's when you and Albert would take your separate ways, making the group's table more emptier than before. And if there were a chance that one of you would be able to sit there first, it would most likely have the feeling of loneliness in the air, making you badly wish that you weren't alone, that he was there to tease you or share stories whenever you both wanted to.

You just weren't ready to see his face when it was just the two of you. You could already tell through his expressions whenever you'd walk to your locker. He looked... depressed  whenever you both locked eyes at each other, causing you to look down at the ground, avoiding other people's eyes.

You wanted to tell B/F/N your situation, but it seems that it was difficult for you to ask her when she's in a good mood all the time. It's as if you wouldn't want to destroy the good mood that she was in. Which made you wonder if Albert ever brought it up to Kaden about your fight with him yet, since Albert would sometimes take the first move.

If only were that easy to reach out to him and apologize, that what you did to him was stupid, then maybe things could go back to the way it was before. But you just couldn't. A part of you still says that he's the one who should apologize first while the other you was telling you to wait for things to resolve on its own.

Your train of thoughts caused you to become less wearily of your surroundings. One of this was the herd of people already leaving the classroom in ease. Your class teacher looked at you, puzzled on why you were staring at your desk. He sternly calls out your attention, making you automatically stand up from your seat as you grab you bag before your teacher could force you outside his class instead.

You look around to see that B/F/N wasn't there in front of your classroom door. You sigh, thinking that she's spending time with Kaden again as usual. You walk, making your way to your locker in agony. For you it felt like a mission to pass by hundreds of unfamiliar students who were walking by the same pace as you, or the fact that Albert's locker was just a few lockers away from yours. You needed to grab your textbooks and notebooks from your locker since exams were coming to a close. You thought that studying would distract you from thinking about him.

Once you've made it to your locker, you open it and grabbed the things you need. You were about to close your locker when you suddenly see a  post-it note, neatly placed on top of your other books. You were perked by this, wondering if you've ever placed that note in your locker before. You take it and close your locker, looking at what could be written on the note.

Your heart skipped a beat once you saw the sloppy handwriting that was effortlessly written on the note.

If you see this, meet me at the canteen.

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