№ 3: Canteen

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No one's POV:

You and your best friend went to the cafeteria together to get some food for lunch.
"Hmm, what will you get Y/N?" B/F/N asked as she looks at the menu for today. You shrugged, since most of the food that's on the menu wasn't really good. "Eh, I think I'll just have my leftovers." You said. Your best friend nodded. "I'm jelly since your leftovers were basically the food the four of us ate at McDonald's this morning." You smiled, suddenly remembering the fun stuff you guys did together before classes start.
"Well, lucky you, So... You wanna *cough* share?" Your best friend elbowed your shoulder. You squinted your eyes at her. She sighs in defeat. "We're best friends and best friends share their food together!" B/F/N says while rummaging through your backpack.

"Wait, stop-!" You started laughing when she tickled your sides, your best friend grinning at you. "How do you like that huh?!" Suddenly the both of you bumped to something, hearing a huge 'clunk!' on the floor. The both of you guys stopped and stood there tensely, already accepting your fate. You then hear chuckling around the room, suddenly exploding into boisterous laugher, which you could already hear clearly.

"Albert! Are you okay?!" You slowly opened your eyes to see Kaden kneeling down on one knee. You  looked beside him to see Albert, all covered up in spaghetti sauce. (Don't ask why I chose spaghetti.) You gasped in shock and quickly went beside him. You then opened your bag while looking around for your clean handkerchief. Albert looked down embarrassingly as everyone just continued to laugh and point at Albert. Your best friend scoffs at them. "Everyone run along. There's nothing to see here. Go before I beat your asses." The crowd then slowly dispersed away one by one, their voices becoming more unintelligible. "Omg Albert I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" you were then shushed by Albert, who was looking at you immensely, sucking in his lip. "It's fine, none of this was your fault." He said, retrieving the handkerchief on your hands. "Besides, I'm used to this kind of treatment." He smiled, making your face red. "B-but you don't deserve-"

"Albert! Kaden! You guys alright?" Your best friend rushed to Albert and quickly helped him up, you and Kaden followed. "I'm sorry for the spaghetti! I'll pay for it!" Your best friend was about to pull out her cash from her purse. You can hear Albert mutter "It's fine," while Kaden stops B/F/N from giving her cash to Albert. "You don't need to pay him, he's rich, trust me." Kaden harshly said, making the three of you look at him in shock. "B-but still, I need to pay him for what I did!" Your best friend barked, making Kaden shot a glare at her. "No, really! Don't worry about it, B/F/N! I'm rich anyways so-" Albert said, trying his best to lift the situation. You can hear Kaden roll his eyes and mutter some words before he stomps away from the canteen. You gaze at Kaden, wondering why he let out this random outburst at B/F/N. Your best friend started tearing up before running away to the opposite direction. Now you're all left alone with Albert. The both of you stared at each other in disbelief. "Shit." Both of you said at the same time.


It's hard to write so yea, I'm lazy af.

Okay I think this chapter is actually okay! And I'm happy about it.

Okay then, next chap. (•‿•)

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